Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today I confirmed my Paleo Challenge for Level 8.  This is what I got in store starting January 1:
  1. Eliminate Refined Sugar
  2. No Gluten and No Soy
  3. Eliminate Grains
  4. Eat full fat dairy only overwritten by #8
  5. Cook with animal fats/coconut oil
  6. Eliminate Legumes, Starchy Vegetables and Squash
  7. Eat Grass Fed/Finished, Organic, Pasture Raised, and Wild Caught Meats Only
  8. Eliminate All Dairy
Good thing is...  I can eat more then 2 pieces of fruit per day (#9) and almonds (#10) but will not add salt.  Normally level 10 is there because people can't control their portions.  I can and need the fruit calories as well (but need to watch the natural sugar).

  • Perform Strict Pull Up's for 1 minute
  • Perform Hand Stand Push Up's for 1 minute
  • Perform GHD Sit Ups for 1 minute 
  • Perform Turkish Get Up's for a few minutes @ a heavy weight
I used up to 35lb dumbbell for the TGU.  I'm limited by my left hand.


 WOD:  Complete 10 round's for time:
  • 10 Bent over Rows @ 135#'s (try to avoid any body language here)
  • 10 Floor presses @ 135#'s (like bench press only you lay under the bar)

I used the same 95lbs for both and completed in 11min and 10 secs.  BoR got heavy and had to break into sets of 5 during 3 round for a few rounds and then, 5, 3, 2 in later rounds.  For the bench, had to do a set of 7 and then 3 for the 8/9 rounds and finished strong on last.  My bends in my arms are toast and figure I'll feel it in the morning ;(

Then finished the WOD with a good ol' Prowler Push of the black prowler stacked with 180lbs.

Special Thanks to Moms for taking pics.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Why I Can't Dance

So, I found myself reading this article, THE MOST SIGNIFICANT FITNESS TRENDS FOR 2011.

It covers the "top fitness trends for 2011 [from]... fitness experts, personal trainers, fitness consultants and nutritionists".  I'm excited to say that Crossfit crosses into just about all 10 of these trends.  I guess this is expected when Crossfit focuses on constantly varied, functional movements which is the basics of anything.. in a highly supportive community with advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Now, for my friends that know me, the item that Crossfit seems to be lacking most definitely is "ANYTHING DANCE". So yeah, as I continue my journey, my moves on the dance floor won't get better (unless I pull out that handstand at the right time)  YOU GOT SERVED! (yes, going to go hide now)

 Here's the list just in case the article goes dead.
  • TREND # 1 - BOOTCAMP  
  • TREND # 2 - TABATA  

Happy Holidays with Moms

I just wanted to wish my Family, Friends, Followers, and Fellow Crossfitters,... Happy Holidays!  My mother is visiting me for the holiday break, and we'll be in Riverside, CA visiting her family.  It's hard for us to cross paths so this road-trip will mos def be a bonding time =)

Normally Crossfitters perform a workout called the 12 Days of Christmas, and this can be found here. Since I was on the road during our box's WOD, I missed out ;(  Guess I have to wait until next Christmas.. but then again, it's Christmas in the Summer just as fun!?!?

Anyway, here's what I been up too before Xmas...

Thursday 12-23-10
Technique was working on any gymnastic movement.  I worked on the handstand on both the floor and bars.

WOD:  This one killed me!  4 Rounds for time of:
  • Run 200 meter's
  • 20 KB Swings 2 pood
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots
  • 10 Push Up to bar dip on the parallets
I used a 1.5 pood and was able to finish in 18min.  I was dead!  Maybe because my mother was watching me, I had to step it up!

Wednesday 12-22-10
Technique was working the Full Snatch and the WOD was
10 Rounds for time of:
  • 10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 95#"s
  • 10 Box Jumps @ 20 inches
7 Rounds would have been enough!  Finished all in 13min (I think) and used 75lbs and at times jumped on a 24inch.  Jason said this workout should take about 30 seconds a round, so about 5-7 minutes total. Quick and intense! Yeah, like I said before, he on something!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gotta Be the Shirt

So, I have this new craze of buying shirts made of a Tri-Blend (50% Polyester / 25% Cotton / 25% Rayon) or a Poly-Cotton (50% Polyester / 50% Cotton) because they feel so good against your skin.  I love them... if I'm in Kenneth Cole or American Apparel, or whatever, I don't buy the the shirt unless it breaths of these materials.  Call me spoiled, call me picky... but once you put one on, you'll be labeled like me!  So, today, I rocked one I recently bought.  Its rare for me to wear Tees at CF because I get hot quickly and there's a 85% my shirt is coming off during the WOD.  It's not a confidence thing (still working on it) but I feel it's needed for my survival!  Once the shirts goes, I feel like a... umm.. gazelle?  Anyway, here's the shirt.. I love the color because it matches my royal blue FiveFingers...oh, and this is also my first time taking a pic with the EVO.

Anyway, back to purpose of blog... today's WOD was a birthday one for a guy named Michael, who's turning 33 (geez, that's old!)  Before the Birthday Workout we warmed up and worked on back squats.  I just stopped at 155lbs. I really need to get back on them!

The WOD was for time completion...
  • 33 calories on the rower
  • 33 pull ups
  • 33 deadlifts at 225 (for me 155lb)
  • 33 cleans at 135 (for me 75lb)
  • 33 calories on the rower again
Since we have a bottle neck at the Rower, I finished with the clock at 20min even, but started on the Rower at 2:45, and then waited 2 min for my last set,,, so... ummm.. 15min, 15 secs I guess.  Jason wanted us to finish in 10.  This dude must be smoking something cuz I've been way off past few performances.  Also, I felt I should have done 95 on the cleans, but would have made me slower of course.  Anyway, badass workout... not sure if the shirt helped or hurt... it did come off though later in deadlifts!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Crossfit is Work

Just dumping my results so I don't forget.

Monday's Workout 12/20/2010 was kind of flexible...
  1. 10 overhead squats with 75lb
  2. Overhead carry 75lb across the gym
  3. 10 burpees over the bar
  4. 10 overhead squats with 65lb
  5. Overhead carry 65lb across the gym
  6. 10 burpees over the bar
  7. 50 Double Unders
  8. 10 Front squats with 655lb
  9. Overhead carry 65lb across the gym
  10. 10 burpees over the bar
  11. 10 Front squats with 65lb
  12. Overhead carry 65lb across the gym
  13. 10 burpees over the bar
  14. 50 Double Unders
Was so tired, didn't even check my time, lol.  Assuming 11 to 13 min. Jason wanted 10.  I am killing double unders finally.

Saturday's Workout 12/18/2010 was Tabata Style for 20min and then I ran 4 miles hour later.
  • Kettlebell Swings (switch between 1.5 and then 1 pood)
  • Ring Rows
  • 24inch Box Jumps
  • Double Unders
  • Air Squats, holding when in rest
Didn't even keep count...  Think went thru the above sequence twice.  My goal was to keep moving.  The 4 mile run was wet and cold, but it's just something I needed to do.. and enjoyed.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nasty Girls

So, first, today, I made a commitment for the first 6 weeks of 2011.  Take part in my box's Paleo Challenge.  What does this mean, Frank's gonna have to be very serious about what he eats ;(  Anyway, it's for the positive and would be one of the steps towards cooking more for 2011.  Wish me Luck!

Second, I did Nasty Girls today as the WOD.  It's a CF benchmark.  You can see it in action during this video.  You are suppose to complete 3 Rounds for time of:
  • 50 Air Squats
  • 7 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135#'s

Results: I finished in 14min and  11secs.  Jason was hoping for everyone to finish in 10.  So, yeah, lol.
I used 115 for the first round and 95 for the second and third rounds.  I was able to complete the MU in the first round, 5 in the second round, and only 1 for the third.  We had to substitute 2 Ring Dips and 2 Pull Ups for each MU we could not complete.  Spent a lot of time resting during the MUs too.  The Air Squats sucked of course!

Aiight, Thanks for the workout Nasty Girls!  Time to investigate Paleo and REALLY understand it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Filthy Frank

Today, we did the famous Crossfit benchmark called "The Filthy Fifty".  I've done it a few times this year and blogging allows me to track my progress and see where I improved.

092810- 28min even (legit)
063010- 34min even (legit)
031810- 32min, 10 secs
022010- 31min even

Here's what the WOD calls for... For Time, complete the following:
  • 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
  • Walking Lunge, 50 steps
  • 50 Knees to elbows
  • 50 Push press, 45 pounds
  • 50 Back extensions
  • 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Double unders
I did it in 28min, 45secs.  I'm actually pretty surprised I was able to kind of stay within the same time has before because I felt like I took way too long on the Knees to Elbows.  Jason really wanted us to make sure they really connect.  Guess it all worked out because I did well on my other problem areas, which used to be the Wall Balls and Double Unders.  I felt like I was out of energy, which is mostly due to lack of Crossfit past couple of weeks (my blog reflects it).

Anyway, got some ish to do and just wanted everyone to know it's OK to be Filthy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

100 Burpees- Rocky Style

As I said before, I'm taking part in the 365 Day Burpee Challenge.  Hope you still are if you're taking part.  I've been.... well... let's just say I've been slacking and had to pay the price!  It's the 14th day, so I should be doing 14, but instead, I had to do 102 because I only been active first few days and the ones I missed were piling up.  So, what's a Crossfitter to do?

Make up a WOD!!!  Even though it was raining, slightly windy, and cold, I still went to work.  I call it getting my ROCKY on!
  • Complete 4 rounds of 25 Burpees and a 300/350m Run.
Results were 100 Burpees and almost a Mile ran in 14min, 45seconds.  It was one of those workouts that sound easy but most definitely test your endurance.  During the first run, I was scared I had 75 left to do.  During the last run, I felt like it took forever to complete.  I was proud of my efforts and can see myself doing sub 13min.

Anyway, can't keep this long, but just know tomorrow... I'm doing 15! (plus 2 more I'm missing from today)

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Packages Arrived!

Ok, today is like a Super Early Christmas for me.  Both my Geeky and Fitness sides got some awesome goodness.

For the unimportant Geeky side (because of you... iPhone... people), Android finally announced Gingerbread.  And it's gonna taste Ooooo Soooo Gooood!

Now, for the Fitness side, may I introduce to you...

  • From China...
  • 3 Feet Tall...
  • Weighting in at 260lbs...
  • Bumper Plates!

Ok, I'm super stoked if you haven't figured that out by now.  And what does all this mean?  It means I can Crossfit on my own time.  I get weird cravings sometimes and it just doesn't work with my Box's schedule.  Or maybe a friend would like to join me on a home made WOD.  I can throw some items in the car and we can throw down at the park/track.  Or maybe I just want to randomly work on some technique.  All of this gets rid of any excuses and will help future this healthy addiction.

Merry Christmas Frank!

P.S. Don't forget, if doing the Burpee Challenge, you should do six today.. or the collection of all at once if you want to start NOW... that's (pulls out calculator) 21.  Then tomorrow is 7 ;)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

365 Day Burpee Challenge

So, today was a pretty killer WOD and Day Two of the 365 Day Burpee Challenge.

First, for the 365 Day Burpee Challenge... this means I have to do an extra burpee each day, so I had to do 2 today since I did 1 yesterday (December 1st) Hard huh.. well, the real fun comes each day during 2011, when I'm doing 31 on New Years Eve and then 32 New Years Day and so forth.  And if I miss a day, well I have to make it up.. so that could be 31 + 32 = 63 that day.  This is the only type of punishment I'd enjoy taking!

Join me if you are interested. Definition of a Burpee can be found here, and a video is below to represent Day One.  I might time myself and do videos when the count gets larger to track my progress.

The Technique of the day was the "Muscle Up".   It's a pretty powerful and tiring movement.  If you can do a ring pull up and ring dip, with a little learning, you can easily do the muscle up.  Awww, memories.. I did my first MU early March.. reflect back with me here and see that old school video.  I need to do it more often because today I strung three together and was very tired.  I used to be able to do 3 sets of 5 in a row during a WOD.

The WOD for today was complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
  • 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 10 Wall Ball Shot's
Results: I blew my load early so my output in the second half kind of suck.  Plus I ripped the skin on my with a little over a minute left and had to stop ;(
  • 12 rounds at 9:30 marker
  • 16 rounds at 13min marker
  • 20 rounds at 17min marker
  • 22 rounds at 19min marker
Oh, and I hate WALL BALLS with a passion.