Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ready for Mobile Viewing

I know it has been awhile but I am really hoping to get back to blogging starting August. Hopefully everything would have settled down for me. You can follow my other active friends in the widgets to the right under "Crossfitters".

In the meantime, I'd just like you to know that you can start viewing this blog a little easier on your mobile phone. Blogger will provide the optimal delivery of content for the small screen and limited bandwidth. This means removing from the homepage: full postings, images, and widgets (like the 'Crossfitters' one). To see more, you would of course click the link. If you have a bigger screen like myself, you can always click "view web version' at the very bottom of the mobile browser.

Anyway, this is awesome for when I cross your mind while you are out and about (yeah, I feel honored!). Just note the structure and appearance of the content will be best visible using the Chrome browser at 1920 x 1200 resolution.

Aiight, Gotta Go! 3.. 2.. 1...