LOL, that is what I was called today. It's kinda funny, but the reason being is because I can do a Muscle Up, but not by following the technique behind it 100%. So, I pulled out the celly to captured what they meant. My first attempt was the weird one, where my second, without letting go was better. Now I know what was meant by that. If I get the tech down, I should be able to to more. After 2 or 3, I have to take a short rest.
Enjoy the video.. if I have it working. (press PLAY)
WOD was four, 4 Min rounds, with 30 secs rest between them of
- 5 Burpee's with a jump to a 1ft target over our 'extended hands'
- Walking lunges back and forth across the gym floor
Results: Got about 4 rounds in each, with the last round only having 3. Then I worked on Muscle Ups. Need to keep my arms in throughout the movement. Got up to three in a row, but didn't capture on video.
2012 London Summer Olympics.. here I come!
Looks dangerously fun