Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sweatin' Like A Pig

Warmup was 400m jog and then a bunch of suicide sprints and ladder work with jumps and burpees.
Technique was the Split Jerk... did 125lb at 2-2-2-2-2 count.  Can probably do more weight next time.

Slight recovery time and then did the WOD.  Perform the below in downward lines... so 25 pull ups, 15 push ups, 10 kb swings... then back to 20 pull ups, etc.  Goal, sub 15min with 2 poop (72lbs) KBs. 

Pull Ups:                25-20-15-10-5
Push Ups:              15-15-15-15-15
Kettlebell Swings:  10-15-20-25-30

The KB should have been 2 poops, but I did 1.5 poops for first three rounds, and then 1 poop for the last two rounds.  I completed in 15:55.  (or maybe 16:55, lol.  I forgot).  I know one thing, this is a workout!  I was dripping wet =)