Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome Back, Jack!

It's an akward feeling when you come in and poeple are like 'where have you been?', lol.  We'll, I am glad to say I am back, and know tonight, I will feel the punishment for being away for so long.

The warmup was to roll a large tracker tire 400m (with 4 right turns) and then an obstacle course with different types of squats, walks, and jumps.  Then some 30 second sets of a bar hang, pushups, and air squats.   That broke a sweat.

The technique for today was for every minute on the minute perform one clean and jerk for a total of 10 minutes. I did 75lb. The goal here is to use legit technique and practice the exercise on a weekly basis, while increasing weight.  I found my flaws and will be ready next week for more weight.

The work out of the day, WOD, was as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of 10 wall balls and 10 Mountain Climber's, rest 30 seconds and repeat the two again.  Think I got in 4 rounds, and then 3... maybe 3 and then 2, lol.  I can't count when I am tired.

Then we rest 30 seconds and then do a max number of Hang Power Cleans of 95lbs in 3 minutes... think i got about 30 in.

So, in summary... lunch was great!


  1. one day, i'll be back on your level. i'm telling you, you should be a crossfit trainer. i was telling someone about you about a month ago.

  2. i was thinking about it until i heard to get certified was over a G :( I'll just continue my classes and share my random knowledge/experience and take people to the playground if they want to workout with me =)

  3. You'd make a great instructor, all smiley and motivational!!!
