Sunday, March 20, 2011

My First Competition (Video)

Saturday, I took part in my first official Crossfit competition!

How does the average 'Frank' like myself take part?  Welcome the Crossfit Games Open... a new way of finding the 'Fittest in the World' by allowing anyone to take part.  A weekly workout is presented on Tuesday and you have until Sunday to submit your results from a Box that is legit, or upload a video that would somehow be judged.  I'm lucky enough to be a member of the baddest box in the land (seriously!), and everyone took part in it together.

I created this video too not only criticize myself on my form and performance later, but to capture what Crossfit is, and why I love it... the comradery, friendly competition, encouragement, and inspiration that exists amongst the Crossfitters.

So, grab some paleo friendly food (just kidding) and take a seat.  Enjoy 10 minutes of me fighting myself...

Special Thanks to Everyone you made this happen!  You can follow my official results/rankings at my Crossfit Athlete page.

Oh, and a side note.. hope to be like this one day!


  1. You got that right... "baddest box in the land"! SERIOUSLY ;)
    Great job! Cant wait for the next OPEN WOD!

  2. YES!!! I agree!! feel so lucky to be a part of this box!!! nice job Frank!!! We were all screaming for you!!!! Do it for the kids..homies.. lol

  3. YESS!!! I second what Trisha said!! I eel so lucky to be a part of our BOX!! Awesome job Frank!!! We were all screaming for you!! do it for the kids..

  4. awesome job! and what maura said, i feel so lucky to be a part of this box!

  5. Thanks Jes! I wish I could have done more of the WODs.. either the weights were to heavy or I was out of town.
