Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today I confirmed my Paleo Challenge for Level 8.  This is what I got in store starting January 1:
  1. Eliminate Refined Sugar
  2. No Gluten and No Soy
  3. Eliminate Grains
  4. Eat full fat dairy only overwritten by #8
  5. Cook with animal fats/coconut oil
  6. Eliminate Legumes, Starchy Vegetables and Squash
  7. Eat Grass Fed/Finished, Organic, Pasture Raised, and Wild Caught Meats Only
  8. Eliminate All Dairy
Good thing is...  I can eat more then 2 pieces of fruit per day (#9) and almonds (#10) but will not add salt.  Normally level 10 is there because people can't control their portions.  I can and need the fruit calories as well (but need to watch the natural sugar).

  • Perform Strict Pull Up's for 1 minute
  • Perform Hand Stand Push Up's for 1 minute
  • Perform GHD Sit Ups for 1 minute 
  • Perform Turkish Get Up's for a few minutes @ a heavy weight
I used up to 35lb dumbbell for the TGU.  I'm limited by my left hand.


 WOD:  Complete 10 round's for time:
  • 10 Bent over Rows @ 135#'s (try to avoid any body language here)
  • 10 Floor presses @ 135#'s (like bench press only you lay under the bar)

I used the same 95lbs for both and completed in 11min and 10 secs.  BoR got heavy and had to break into sets of 5 during 3 round for a few rounds and then, 5, 3, 2 in later rounds.  For the bench, had to do a set of 7 and then 3 for the 8/9 rounds and finished strong on last.  My bends in my arms are toast and figure I'll feel it in the morning ;(

Then finished the WOD with a good ol' Prowler Push of the black prowler stacked with 180lbs.

Special Thanks to Moms for taking pics.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Why I Can't Dance

So, I found myself reading this article, THE MOST SIGNIFICANT FITNESS TRENDS FOR 2011.

It covers the "top fitness trends for 2011 [from]... fitness experts, personal trainers, fitness consultants and nutritionists".  I'm excited to say that Crossfit crosses into just about all 10 of these trends.  I guess this is expected when Crossfit focuses on constantly varied, functional movements which is the basics of anything.. in a highly supportive community with advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Now, for my friends that know me, the item that Crossfit seems to be lacking most definitely is "ANYTHING DANCE". So yeah, as I continue my journey, my moves on the dance floor won't get better (unless I pull out that handstand at the right time)  YOU GOT SERVED! (yes, going to go hide now)

 Here's the list just in case the article goes dead.
  • TREND # 1 - BOOTCAMP  
  • TREND # 2 - TABATA  

Happy Holidays with Moms

I just wanted to wish my Family, Friends, Followers, and Fellow Crossfitters,... Happy Holidays!  My mother is visiting me for the holiday break, and we'll be in Riverside, CA visiting her family.  It's hard for us to cross paths so this road-trip will mos def be a bonding time =)

Normally Crossfitters perform a workout called the 12 Days of Christmas, and this can be found here. Since I was on the road during our box's WOD, I missed out ;(  Guess I have to wait until next Christmas.. but then again, it's Christmas in the Summer just as fun!?!?

Anyway, here's what I been up too before Xmas...

Thursday 12-23-10
Technique was working on any gymnastic movement.  I worked on the handstand on both the floor and bars.

WOD:  This one killed me!  4 Rounds for time of:
  • Run 200 meter's
  • 20 KB Swings 2 pood
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots
  • 10 Push Up to bar dip on the parallets
I used a 1.5 pood and was able to finish in 18min.  I was dead!  Maybe because my mother was watching me, I had to step it up!

Wednesday 12-22-10
Technique was working the Full Snatch and the WOD was
10 Rounds for time of:
  • 10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 95#"s
  • 10 Box Jumps @ 20 inches
7 Rounds would have been enough!  Finished all in 13min (I think) and used 75lbs and at times jumped on a 24inch.  Jason said this workout should take about 30 seconds a round, so about 5-7 minutes total. Quick and intense! Yeah, like I said before, he on something!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gotta Be the Shirt

So, I have this new craze of buying shirts made of a Tri-Blend (50% Polyester / 25% Cotton / 25% Rayon) or a Poly-Cotton (50% Polyester / 50% Cotton) because they feel so good against your skin.  I love them... if I'm in Kenneth Cole or American Apparel, or whatever, I don't buy the the shirt unless it breaths of these materials.  Call me spoiled, call me picky... but once you put one on, you'll be labeled like me!  So, today, I rocked one I recently bought.  Its rare for me to wear Tees at CF because I get hot quickly and there's a 85% my shirt is coming off during the WOD.  It's not a confidence thing (still working on it) but I feel it's needed for my survival!  Once the shirts goes, I feel like a... umm.. gazelle?  Anyway, here's the shirt.. I love the color because it matches my royal blue FiveFingers...oh, and this is also my first time taking a pic with the EVO.

Anyway, back to purpose of blog... today's WOD was a birthday one for a guy named Michael, who's turning 33 (geez, that's old!)  Before the Birthday Workout we warmed up and worked on back squats.  I just stopped at 155lbs. I really need to get back on them!

The WOD was for time completion...
  • 33 calories on the rower
  • 33 pull ups
  • 33 deadlifts at 225 (for me 155lb)
  • 33 cleans at 135 (for me 75lb)
  • 33 calories on the rower again
Since we have a bottle neck at the Rower, I finished with the clock at 20min even, but started on the Rower at 2:45, and then waited 2 min for my last set,,, so... ummm.. 15min, 15 secs I guess.  Jason wanted us to finish in 10.  This dude must be smoking something cuz I've been way off past few performances.  Also, I felt I should have done 95 on the cleans, but would have made me slower of course.  Anyway, badass workout... not sure if the shirt helped or hurt... it did come off though later in deadlifts!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Crossfit is Work

Just dumping my results so I don't forget.

Monday's Workout 12/20/2010 was kind of flexible...
  1. 10 overhead squats with 75lb
  2. Overhead carry 75lb across the gym
  3. 10 burpees over the bar
  4. 10 overhead squats with 65lb
  5. Overhead carry 65lb across the gym
  6. 10 burpees over the bar
  7. 50 Double Unders
  8. 10 Front squats with 655lb
  9. Overhead carry 65lb across the gym
  10. 10 burpees over the bar
  11. 10 Front squats with 65lb
  12. Overhead carry 65lb across the gym
  13. 10 burpees over the bar
  14. 50 Double Unders
Was so tired, didn't even check my time, lol.  Assuming 11 to 13 min. Jason wanted 10.  I am killing double unders finally.

Saturday's Workout 12/18/2010 was Tabata Style for 20min and then I ran 4 miles hour later.
  • Kettlebell Swings (switch between 1.5 and then 1 pood)
  • Ring Rows
  • 24inch Box Jumps
  • Double Unders
  • Air Squats, holding when in rest
Didn't even keep count...  Think went thru the above sequence twice.  My goal was to keep moving.  The 4 mile run was wet and cold, but it's just something I needed to do.. and enjoyed.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nasty Girls

So, first, today, I made a commitment for the first 6 weeks of 2011.  Take part in my box's Paleo Challenge.  What does this mean, Frank's gonna have to be very serious about what he eats ;(  Anyway, it's for the positive and would be one of the steps towards cooking more for 2011.  Wish me Luck!

Second, I did Nasty Girls today as the WOD.  It's a CF benchmark.  You can see it in action during this video.  You are suppose to complete 3 Rounds for time of:
  • 50 Air Squats
  • 7 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135#'s

Results: I finished in 14min and  11secs.  Jason was hoping for everyone to finish in 10.  So, yeah, lol.
I used 115 for the first round and 95 for the second and third rounds.  I was able to complete the MU in the first round, 5 in the second round, and only 1 for the third.  We had to substitute 2 Ring Dips and 2 Pull Ups for each MU we could not complete.  Spent a lot of time resting during the MUs too.  The Air Squats sucked of course!

Aiight, Thanks for the workout Nasty Girls!  Time to investigate Paleo and REALLY understand it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Filthy Frank

Today, we did the famous Crossfit benchmark called "The Filthy Fifty".  I've done it a few times this year and blogging allows me to track my progress and see where I improved.

092810- 28min even (legit)
063010- 34min even (legit)
031810- 32min, 10 secs
022010- 31min even

Here's what the WOD calls for... For Time, complete the following:
  • 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
  • Walking Lunge, 50 steps
  • 50 Knees to elbows
  • 50 Push press, 45 pounds
  • 50 Back extensions
  • 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Double unders
I did it in 28min, 45secs.  I'm actually pretty surprised I was able to kind of stay within the same time has before because I felt like I took way too long on the Knees to Elbows.  Jason really wanted us to make sure they really connect.  Guess it all worked out because I did well on my other problem areas, which used to be the Wall Balls and Double Unders.  I felt like I was out of energy, which is mostly due to lack of Crossfit past couple of weeks (my blog reflects it).

Anyway, got some ish to do and just wanted everyone to know it's OK to be Filthy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

100 Burpees- Rocky Style

As I said before, I'm taking part in the 365 Day Burpee Challenge.  Hope you still are if you're taking part.  I've been.... well... let's just say I've been slacking and had to pay the price!  It's the 14th day, so I should be doing 14, but instead, I had to do 102 because I only been active first few days and the ones I missed were piling up.  So, what's a Crossfitter to do?

Make up a WOD!!!  Even though it was raining, slightly windy, and cold, I still went to work.  I call it getting my ROCKY on!
  • Complete 4 rounds of 25 Burpees and a 300/350m Run.
Results were 100 Burpees and almost a Mile ran in 14min, 45seconds.  It was one of those workouts that sound easy but most definitely test your endurance.  During the first run, I was scared I had 75 left to do.  During the last run, I felt like it took forever to complete.  I was proud of my efforts and can see myself doing sub 13min.

Anyway, can't keep this long, but just know tomorrow... I'm doing 15! (plus 2 more I'm missing from today)

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Packages Arrived!

Ok, today is like a Super Early Christmas for me.  Both my Geeky and Fitness sides got some awesome goodness.

For the unimportant Geeky side (because of you... iPhone... people), Android finally announced Gingerbread.  And it's gonna taste Ooooo Soooo Gooood!

Now, for the Fitness side, may I introduce to you...

  • From China...
  • 3 Feet Tall...
  • Weighting in at 260lbs...
  • Bumper Plates!

Ok, I'm super stoked if you haven't figured that out by now.  And what does all this mean?  It means I can Crossfit on my own time.  I get weird cravings sometimes and it just doesn't work with my Box's schedule.  Or maybe a friend would like to join me on a home made WOD.  I can throw some items in the car and we can throw down at the park/track.  Or maybe I just want to randomly work on some technique.  All of this gets rid of any excuses and will help future this healthy addiction.

Merry Christmas Frank!

P.S. Don't forget, if doing the Burpee Challenge, you should do six today.. or the collection of all at once if you want to start NOW... that's (pulls out calculator) 21.  Then tomorrow is 7 ;)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

365 Day Burpee Challenge

So, today was a pretty killer WOD and Day Two of the 365 Day Burpee Challenge.

First, for the 365 Day Burpee Challenge... this means I have to do an extra burpee each day, so I had to do 2 today since I did 1 yesterday (December 1st) Hard huh.. well, the real fun comes each day during 2011, when I'm doing 31 on New Years Eve and then 32 New Years Day and so forth.  And if I miss a day, well I have to make it up.. so that could be 31 + 32 = 63 that day.  This is the only type of punishment I'd enjoy taking!

Join me if you are interested. Definition of a Burpee can be found here, and a video is below to represent Day One.  I might time myself and do videos when the count gets larger to track my progress.

The Technique of the day was the "Muscle Up".   It's a pretty powerful and tiring movement.  If you can do a ring pull up and ring dip, with a little learning, you can easily do the muscle up.  Awww, memories.. I did my first MU early March.. reflect back with me here and see that old school video.  I need to do it more often because today I strung three together and was very tired.  I used to be able to do 3 sets of 5 in a row during a WOD.

The WOD for today was complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
  • 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 10 Wall Ball Shot's
Results: I blew my load early so my output in the second half kind of suck.  Plus I ripped the skin on my with a little over a minute left and had to stop ;(
  • 12 rounds at 9:30 marker
  • 16 rounds at 13min marker
  • 20 rounds at 17min marker
  • 22 rounds at 19min marker
Oh, and I hate WALL BALLS with a passion.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Beat by a Girl

Not just any girl.. but the "Fittest Woman on Earth, Winner of the 2010 CrossFit Games, Kristan Clever".  She's badass and makes anything she does look effortlessly with her 5ft,3inch frame, weighting only 133.  She came in 4th during 2009, so I was lucky enough to see her win the Games this past summer.

So, how did she beat me?  Well, it was during the Hero WOD named "Collin", after a Navy SEAL fatally shot mid August during combat operations in Eastern Afghanistan.

It's 6 rounds for time of:

  • Carry 50 pound sandbag 400 meters
  • 115 pound Push press, 12 reps
  • 12 Box jumps, 24 inch box
  • 95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 12 reps

I know I could do the above to really push myself (estimated 38min), but I had another goal in mind... to take down the champion!  She completed it in 24min according to the site with lesser weights... a 35lb bag, 85lb Push Press, 24" box, and 65lb SDHP.  So I set up the same equipment, however, I didn't have the sandbag and carried a 35lb bumper plate instead.

Well, once I came back from the run with the awkward plate to carry, I was already over 2min and needed to average 4min a round to win.  I ran back out a little after 4 min, but knew I had already lost for I needed to make up ground but would be tired of course over time. Round after round, my time kept slipping slightly as I became smarter on the carry, but tired on the PPs.  Once I got to the 24min marker, I was somewhere in the early stages of the 5th round and had one more to do.  Sadness... right there, I knew why she was the champion.

I continued with the goal to give it my all and finally finished at 31:50.  Next time Kristan, you're going down! =)

Monday, November 29, 2010

and it will be named FWC

If you haven't noticed, I have a new picture up for my site.  It was taken professionally during Tough Mudder and a good friend of mine help me to make it 'pop' with her awesome Photoshop skillz.  (Thank You Sooo Much!!)  You can see some of her other work below and follow her Crossfit blog here (yep, right here).

Today's workout was cool, and just wanted to dump my results since its late.
  • 5 Rounds for time:
  • 10 Ring Rows
  • 10 Power Cleans @ 135#'s
Results: I used 135 for first 2 rounds and then went to 115.  Towards the end of the 3rd round of Ring Rows, I was feeling the burn in my arms.  Last set killed me.  Finished in 10:15..  I think 7min would be awesome for me one day, for I rest too much!

Extra Work: Back Squat 135#'s (or a weight that is fairly easy) for 75 reps.  I broke it up into reps of 10 using 65lbs.  Took me a few to get moving quickly and finally conquered my chest falling forward.  Last few sets looked good.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tabata Style

First off, I made the Internet!!!!  My sister from another mother has decided to join the dark side and can't wait to see her progress over time.  I worked out with her once and it was a memorable moment ;).  Welcome Edub!  WARNING: IT CAN BECOME ADDICTING.

Today was a quick burner to kick start the removal of that Thanksgiving food.  It's called "Tabata", which is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 cycles (4 minutes). There is no rest between exercises so the below took about 16 minutes.
  • Tabata Push Ups
  • Tabata Sit Ups
  • Tabata Air Squats
  • Tabata Sprints 
What's great about this workout is that you can do it anywhere!  Also, it's easy to gauge your performance.  Your score is the lowest count during any cycle.  For example, my PU was 5.. because I started doing 10 a round, then it end up being 9, 8, 7, 6... and then 5 for last couple of rounds.  This is big progress because it used to be 2 (maybe even 1) when I used to start off with like 15-17 PUs.  I try to play it smart.. meaning, don't blow yo load.  Sit-ups and Squats I maintained at 10, and sprints, I was sprinting hard each time... no problems there (except the rain and having my feet wet).

Friday, November 26, 2010


What am I thankful for?  Friends, Family, and Crossfit (come on, it's a blog dedicated to CF!).  I am thankful to say I'm in my best shape of my life (shows I'm old since old people normally say it).

Anyway, the biggest thing people are scared of when this holiday approaches is all the food they are going to eat.  Well, I am happy to say I ate all I could and come this morning, I feel like it never happened.  Why, I've UNINTENTIONALLY shocked my body starting a full 24 hours before the big feast.  Did you know there are studies out there that say some workouts fire your metabolism up to 48hours later?  Google it ;)

Wed afternoon, I took part in a WOD I made up called the Sargonian, that night went Rowing for a 2000m Time Trial, and then Thanksgiving morning, ran a 10k Turkey Trot and rewarded myself with a Thanksgiving feast!!!  Special THANKS to Sargon, Emeric, and the Isoms for making this all possible!

Instead of Shopping... I was hoping to go to CF this morning, but my legs and calves were begging me for a break.  So, here's my break and tracking of my Thanksgiving activities.


WOD: The Sargonian (estimated 20 min, included 2miles of sprint/running)

As one person WORKS, the other is completing a 400m loop. 1 rep is counted as a point and the one with highest points at end wins!
  1. Kettlebell Swings (w/ 1.5 pood)
  2. Kettlebell Swings
  3. Push Press (w/ 50lb log)
  4. Push Press
  5. Backsquat (w/ 45lb Barbell)
  6. Backsquat
  7. Burpees (chest to floor, jump and lap over head)
  8. Burpees
Together, perform 4-100m Sprints at the end.
Results: Took a little over 25min and we were pretty beat.  Sprints felt very good at the end as well. I learned I need to really work on my speed squats... chest kept following forward. 
ROWING: This was my first time getting real experience with the Concept 2 Rowing machine. In the past, I've done some short rows to warmup during CF or during a WOD, but really didn't know how to gauge my performance and row properly and strategically.  I walked away with a much better technique now and a Personal Record ;)  (yeah, first time is always your best time).
Warmups- Performed several 500m and couple 250m
Workout- Performed a 2K in 8min, 14secs (minus some secs due to starting the time before rowing)
Goal was to finish at 8min... not bad for first time and rowing error. Hope to hit 8min next time!

TURKEY TROT:  I joined my CF crew to run the 10k Silicon Valley Turkey Trot early in the morning in my Vibram FiveFingers Bikilas!  It was freakin cold! (high 30s, low 40s) First 1.5miles was mostly crowded but once I was able to get free and stretch my legs, I got on track.  I was happy with my performance but still think I could have gotten it in under 45min if I started off with the mindset of doing a PR.
  • Results: 343 out of 4118
  • Men: 296 out of 2044
  • M 25-29: 36 out of 330
  • Finish: 47:02 Pace: 7:35
 Aiight, time to relax!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Want to join Crossfit?

I'm not a pro or anything, but here's some tips if you want to get started doing Crossfit.

1.) Find local crossfits in your area by using google and see if their prices and class schedules work for you.
2.) Look through their website and check out their activities.  Does it appear engaging, meaning there are stories and tips provided then just a WOD everyday?  Member interactive can add to the experience.
3.) Schedule a free class and/or pop up and check out the classes in person for the times you may come (may be too crowded around your time, lack of equipment or space, or the coaches aren't not very helpful, enjoy the music?? etc)
4.) Speak to an existing member about their experience and they will give you real talk.

Keep in mind, we have FREE Saturday 9am classes for friends at my box.  Let me know if you want to go so I can plan accordingly. We may not do any extreme weights for the safety of everyone, but hopefully you'll get a feel for the CF community and the box and also a great Saturday  morning workout.

Why do I love my box so much?
1.) Jason is awesome!
2.) All the trainers are cool and helpful and push me.
3.) The members are hecka cool and I do get excited when I see some of them (but don't tell them).
4.) It's right down and the street and the wide open schedule works for me.
5.) The box is engaging outside of classes (groups runs, outings, etc).
6.) There is a lot of equipment (except GREAT jump-ropes, lol)
7.) Every night, the WOD is put up so I can plan my day accordingly.. get excited about the WOD, or run from a WOD.. which isn't cool.. face yo fear!!).
8.) The website is engaging and Jason goes above and beyond at times with useful information like technique, nutrition, etc..
9.) I can also attend weightlifting and mobility classes as well at the box and the location in Mountain View.

Need more info?
Here's an article from a woman who took park in Crossfit for the first time.  More over, here's a video of some women from Santa Clara taking part in a WOD which I thought was awesome... cuz their technique is on point and I like the song being used.. for some reason ;)  Stole it from a facebook friend.
They did 7 rounds for time:
  • 5 Handstand push-ups
  • 125 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
  • 10 Chest to bar pull-ups
  • 20 Double-unders
Well, if you have any questions, let me know.


Tracking Results from Yesterday:

Perform FAST... 7 sets of 5-8 backsquats at a moderate load.
I used (crap, forgot the weight.. 45bar, 2-10lb, plus 2-10/15.. .so 85 to 95??) and found myself not going as fast as I'd like.  Once I got the flow, I was shooting up quickly and having the bar land back on top of my neck. Need to learn to keep it against me.

WOD: Max rounds in 15 minutes of Cindy:
  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 air squats
Put before you start peforming Cindy, you must first complete the following.. all within 15min.
2 rounds of:
  • 30 KB swings @ 2pood
  • 30 double unders
Results were using the 1.5pood and basic speed rope and I did ok.  Started Cindy right under the 4min marker I think.  Lost count, but think I completed 12 to 14 rounds.. fast on my first several sets of pushups, hit and miss on air squads, and complete control of my PUs.   I went EXTREMELY hard I think, especially in the final two minutes... you can see I was about to fallout in the pic right after!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Over the weekend, I attended a seminar learning how to apply basic gymnastics, acrobatic, and freestyle movement to my CrossFit training. It's a way to increase my agility, mobility, and versatility in WODs and beyond.. like basketball.. or maybe horseback riding... if it's your thing.

The coach was visiting from San Fransisco Crossfit and is well known in the CF community for his work.  Here's a video of him on YouTube doing some badass parkour and gymnastics work.

We were demonstrated skills with safe, simple, and easy-to-follow progressions that I can practice on my own to enhance my performance in just about anything.  The items/areas we worked on covered:

  • Hollw-Body Position
  • Hand Balancing
  • Rings
  • Bar
  • Basic Rolls and Tumbling

All of these are used to complete the following which I will try my best to work on as much as possible in the future

  • Freestanding Hand-Stand Push-Ups
  • Pistols (one legged squats)
  • Muscle Ups (bar or rings)
  • Back Flips

There's a lot I learned and don't feel like writing it all down, but know I can't help but get better.

Goal: in early 2011, say, "Frank, can you bust out that backflip right quick?"  Hopefully I will say, "of course!"

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smart Workout Story

Here's a Story I'd like to Share....

These are the days I enjoy.. not only do you push yourself physically, but also mentally.  Today, you estimate and schedule your 'work'out accordingly so that you finish on time.  You have exactly TEN minutes to complete the following tasks... with a 20 second margin of error.... in other words... ten seconds BEFORE or AFTER the ten minute clock... I confuse anyone???

So, you are penalized with extra work (20 BURPEES!) if you finish before 9:50 or after 10:10. At the start of the clock, you have to:
  • Row 500 meters 
  • Perform max reps of Ground to Overhead @ 155#'s (Clean and Jerks mostly)
  • Run 400 meters
The goal is to get a high score by performing as many clean and jerks as possible while returning from the run right at the ten min marker.  So, if it takes you 2min to run 400m, then you need to be out that door at 8min ;)  But then again.. you just put in some tiring work before hand... "will I need more time to run?"  "Can I still perform the same?"  These are the questions you ask yourself as you are working out... "oh, I should start running, but I can get one more clean and jerk in"... still with me?

I was able to complete the Row in less then 2mins with a steady calm pace... then on to the Clean and Jerks.  I used 115lb for the first 25reps (which left me with 3min left).  I then went down to 95lbs to get a quick burner in.  Put me at 35 reps but with 90secs left.

Judgement call time!  I know I can sprint it in about a minute, but I am SUPER tired.  But I need to get out the door still (takes time) and return.. so I leave with 8:45ish on the clock.

While sprinting around, my hearts racing, legs burner, just overall destroyed... but I thought about almost being done and wanting to reach that ten min goal.  I'm counting to myself, wondering am I really mimicking seconds on a clock and estimating as I think is needed.... I'm at 60 secs so far..

I come around the last turn, and see the imaginary finish line ribbon hanging along the doorway.  I tear thru it and look up at the clock...

10:01... I did it... no damn BURPEES!

(crashes to floor)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Out with the Old!

In with the new... skin, that is.  At the end of today's WOD, I felt a major rip! It was the palm of my right hand.  Since I am short for time, this is will a quick post.

Today's WOD was called the "Body Weight Bonanza"  This is home grown for our box I think.

Complete the max # of rounds in 7 minutes of:
  • 7 Push Up's (chest to floor)
  • 10 Sit Up's (hands touch floor behind and in front of you)
Immediately after run to the pull up structure and perform max # of rounds in 7 minutes of:
  • 4 Pull Ups
  • 8 Jumping Lunges
Basically you go hard for 14minutes, no break, no water.... no stress or worries of anything else.  I completed 10 rounds of the first set and then the second set, I completed about 15 before I lost count because I was going too fast.  For the last 2 min, I just focus on lunging for I tore the skin on my hand.  I should have used more chalk and worked on my hand-to-bar technique.

My heart was racing pretty quickly afterwards for even Jason to call me out and say settle down.  It was kind of funny actually.  It felt good to get out and fight with myself, pushing myself further and further.  I hope those of you that read this have something to take you away from any issues or stresses in life, being your quiet space, time out with a buddy or loved one, or just throwing rocks at animals.  We all need that thing to get us away.  I found mine,

Aiight, time for work ;(

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Bad Boy

Yep, that's what I have been these past 24 hours...  not sure why, but I reached for my comfort food to get me thru Sunday and Monday... well, 2 comfort foods (Ice Cream and Pizza) and bonus food (Chicken Strips.. and Nuggets).. ok.. EXTRA bonus.  Anyway, that's the BAD..  The Good is that I did make an agreement to myself.. and HONORED it!  If I eat the Bonus, I'd have to go to CF afterwards.  I did... and glad I did... ate the Bonus that is... it was soooooo good ;)

Anyway, back on track...   today we had to see how many times you can front squad and back squat your body weight.. well, for me, my body weight is my max.. so, this should be short and sweet ;)  At 155lbs, I got 1 front squad and got 3 back squats.  There was this other guy who got like 19 front squats and 30 back-squats at the same weight.  DESTROYED me!  But he's awesome and mos def a different build then me.  Maybe one day.

The actual WOD was a good one... perform the max number of rounds in 3 minutes of:
  • 5 Thruster's @ 155#'s
  • 10 Burpees 
Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 times.  I was about to do the first round at 95lbs and the last two at 75. I got in about 2-3 rounds per round.  Afterwards, I worked on my handstands and double unders.

Oh, and every wonder what you eat and how much work is needed to burn it off?  That Ice Cream (1015 calories), Large Pizza (2160 calories) and Popeyes Chicken (520 calories.. don't seem right, lol) gives me a estimated grand total of 2700... something I'd burn running a whole 26.2 mile marathon.  Grrrr.  And this doesn't even capture the FAT and SUGAR!

Bad Boy Out!

Friday, November 12, 2010

What? Someone doing Double Unders?

This is what I thought to myself today as I worked from home and heard a familiar sound outside my window.  Come to find out, one of my neighbors was performing double unders (jump roping with it passing under you twice in one jump).  I peek outside when I hear it stop and see a guy swinging a kettlebell.  This is where my heart breaks (why couldn't it be a CF woman! lol)  Anyway, I go and introduce myself and make a new buddy.

Today's work at the gym was great.  We worked on performing heavy deadlifts and took part in a quick challenging WOD.  I was able to meet my personal record on the DL of 305lbs.  I was kind of disappointed I wasn't able to beat it but can blame it on not eating properly this morning and of course  not working on it for the past three months ;(  wasn't cool.

The WOD was to be completed under ten min ideally, 13 at the most.
5 Rounds for time of:
  • 10 Deadlift's @ 225#'s    (Pull)
  • 5 Hand Stand Push Up's    (Push)
  • 10 Ring Row's
I used 165lbs for deadlift and did the strict RR from the ground and completed in 8min, 30secs.  I was basically flawless on the HSPU and was able to knock out both the RR and DL unbroken for the first 2 rounds.

I then worked on my double unders afterwards and think I'll be buying me a fancy one soon.

Another WOD I forgot to post from couple of days ago was a fight gone bad style... where you perform max number of reps in one minute on each of 5 stations for a total of 3 rounds... also you have one minute rest in between rounds.
  1. Pull ups
  2. Sit ups
  3. Power snatch at 75 pounds
  4. Rowing
  5. Sumo deadlift high pull 95 pounds
Results: I was able to complete about 80, 70, and 60 reps for a estimated total of 210.  My Pullups and SDHP were the items causing the most slippage from round to round.  I did give it all my effort though!

Aiight, Crossfit Out!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

(Pic) Personal Record!

I feel like a superstar when I make 'the internet'.  I got posted on my box's site for setting my PR doing the overhead squat.

Monday, November 8, 2010

(Video) Walking Handstand

Practice what you suck at! I've been making time on the side doing handstands. Here's a result after doing a WOD. For those who can recall, I once had problems just getting my legs up and holding it for a sec, then crashing down pretty hard. Now I am trying to WALK IT. Turn your monitors on its side and enjoy!

Just dumping some results so I can compare in the future.  Funny because I'm already having to estimate since I forgot some of it already.  Might not be an exciting read :(

Day One:
Technique was to find your Max Overhead Squat.  I suck at this an movement and warmed up with the 45lb and was pretty tired from that.  But slowly added 10lbs and ended up at 125lb.  That's pretty awesome for me.  The WOD was 4 Rounds for Time:
  • 20 Back Squats @ 135
  • 10 30" Box Jumps 
  • 50 Double Unders
Results: I did 85lbs for the first 2 rounds, then dropped to 75lb.  Did impressively well on my DUs.  Took about 16 to 17min.  Did a lot of rest during the squats ;(  Kept getting called out for dropping my chest (I was tired, Geez! lol)

Day Two:
Warmed up and then performed 5 sets of 5 Glute Ham Raises using the partner/floor technique (25 reps)
The WOD was to move to next station after 5 mins... the quicker you finsih, the more rest of have in theory.
1.) 400m Sprint (about 3:50 min of rest)
2.) 50 Deadlift's at 155lbs (about 2 min of rest)
3.) 35 Burpees (about 2-3 min left)

Day Three:
Warm up and then find Max Front Squat... which ended up being 165 or 155... hence why I need to write this ish down!!! Grrr.  The WOD was find you max rounds in 10 min of:
  • 5 Clean and Jerk's @ 135#'s
  • 7 Pull Up's
I did 95lbs and completed 7 or 8 rounds.

Overall, the last several times I've been to CF have been pretty badass.. not sure why.  Hope this means I'm back on the grind!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Man, life has been pretty crazy since my last posting.  Finally, I found myself a minute to do a quick dump of my workouts so I can keep track of things later.  Two of my workouts weren't even at the crossfit box to give you an idea of my timing.

Workout One- I remember this day because it sucked!  It involved backsquats and thrusters which is a combo that kicks your butt.

For the technique, we had to backsquat 225lbs twenty times without dropping the weight. Soooo, I can't do that and had to use a much lighter wieght.  I used  105 and it took me about 3 min to complete.  I started feeling like I couldnt do it after rep 13 and finally made it through without giving up.

The WOD was to perform your max number of rounds in 3 minutes of 10 Thruster's @ 75#'s and 5  Burpees.  Then Rest 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.  I basically was shot... couldn't do much after those squats.. finished about 1.5 to 2 cycles per round. That's pretty sad.

Workout Two- Went to the track and practiced my Sprinting, Double Unders, and Hand Stands.  They all are coming along pretty well.  I find myself pushing hard and keeping the constant speed pass the 400m marker.  I remember when I'd pull a Usain and slow down right before.. but we did it for different reasons :)  As for the DU's, I'm able to actually do them, just not in a continues fashion.. If I get three in a row, I am lucky.. but at least I can get two.  As for Hand Stands... I'm now able to take baby steps and walk it ;)  BABY STEPS!

Workout Three- I worked out in my garage late at night!

  • 1 Lap around my apartment complex
  • 50 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood)
  • 50 Push Press (45lbs)
  • 25 Thrusters (45lbs)
  • 25 Hanging Power Cleans (45lbs)
  • 50 push Ups
  • 50 Full Situps with Straight Leg

Sweat-ed my butt off and didnt track my time.  Did find myself liking this track by M.I.A (excuse the video) and hearing this old classic of mine from Phil Collins  I love music... it's really the driving force to my running and workouts.  Silence is soooooooooo boring.  

Workout Four- This was a good workout at the box..

Technique was the Power Clean.. For at least 10 minutes, I worked on it from weights of 95 to 145.  It's a fun movement because it includes so much.. from it's first pull (deadlift) to the second pull (jump, scoop) and the third pull (dropping under the bar, fast elbows).  You feel badass when you get a large amount of weight up.  My goal for mid Nov.. 185lbs.. let's see if I remember this.

The WOD was to complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of

  • 7   Toes to Bar
  • 10  Walking lunges w/ 45# plate held overhead (not on the head)
  • 7  Ring Dips

About the 11 to 13 min marker, I was at the 9th round and the dips were slowing my down.  Finished with 12.  Need to learn how to Kip the dips for future WODs.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Much Do You Weigh?

The reason I ask is because today's workout is to Push Press your body weight 30 times for time.... seems like fun, assuming you can do your weight.  Can I do 150-155lbs?  Yes.  Can I do it 30 times? No... BLANK No! Maybe within 24hrs ;)

He wanted a quick workout so I needed to scale my weight accordingly.  I started off with 110lbs and hammered out ten reps before racking the weight.  Then I hit another 5 and had to rack.  My wrists were on fire and arms/shoulders as well.  Knocked out 3 more.... 18th done... I slid off ten lbs and got back to it. After rep 23, I said forget this before I kill myself, and slid off another ten.  Finished in 4min, 10 secs.   I was happy with the results.

then on the WOD... Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of:

  • 5 Hang Power Snatch @ 115#'s
  • 10 Push Ups with a release at the bottom

Since the technique killed me, I used 75lbs and was able to get in 6.5 rounds.  This was a great workout to return to since I did it outside... and even in this foggy weather, it was a beautiful day.  I love you San Jose!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crossfit in Shreveport

I returned home for my 10 year High School reunion.  I had a blast!  Once I get pics together, I'll share.

Of course, in the back of my head, I needed my Crossfit fix, and this came from Red River Crossfit.  My high school friend's husband is one of the owners there, and he let me take part in the WOD.  This is great for Shreveport to have a box, showing CF is slowly growing in the area.  The next closest one is in Monroe, about 100 miles away.

The warm-up involved a light jog and many stretch techniques to get the legs warm and then we did a few rounds of jump rope and pushups.

Since I was attending the boot-camp class, he offered an advanced WOD which I and another guy took part in...
  • Row 1k meters
  • then complete 5 rounds of
  •  7- 35lb single arm dumbbell swings on both sides and
  • 14- 20lb wall ball shots
  • then finish with a set of 100 situps.

I finished around 19mins... that was the most I ever Row'd in one sitting and it slowed me down during the wall balls, but I felt good accomplishing it.  Very good workout!

Monday, October 11, 2010


BBB stands for Brothers By Blood... our team name when we used to play together online.  Well, those days rarely happen as we both have devoted our free time to Crossfit and supporting and motivating each other.  I was lucky enough to have him join me this weekend for both a WOD at our box and the Tough Mudder.  I was extremely proud of him and is effort.. like a son and his father (he may roast me on the side or say WHO THE F* IS U?!?! )  (which is an inside joke).

Here's a quick dump of my results to track later

Monday, October 11, 2010
Back Squat 5-3-1, 135, 145, and then 155 with 2+

Row 500 meter's then 3 rounds for time of:
  • 7 Full Cleans @ 135lbs
  • 10 Burpees over the bar 
Results:  Used 95lbs and took 9.5 min total.  Gave couple sec rest after each FC rep. ;(

Friday, October 07, 2010
WOD: 10 Rounds for Time of:
  • 10 Box Jump's 24"
  • 7 Power Snatches @ 95#'s
Results: Think it was 14-15min.. forgot.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ready for Tough Mudder!

My brother came from Texas to join my Tough Mudder Crossfit team this Saturday morning.  You ask what Tough Mudder is?  "Tough Mudder is not a race. It is supposed to be a personal challenge – the goal is simply to complete the course. This is why we do not time people and why we try to avoid using the word ‘race’ when describing our events."

Check out the picture or link for more details.  This is going to be fun and mos def hard... Hope I can make a post for Sunday!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Half Marathon... The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Today was half marathon day.

The Good...
I finished a half marathon in my Vibram FiveFingers KSO!!  (checks off bucket list).  Also, I set my record 5k (3.1mile) record of under 23 minutes.
The Bad...
Didn't set my personal record for beginning at the 8mile marker, blisters set in and I had to stop every once in a while.  Was on pace for 1:40ish.. ended up being 1:59 ;(

2435 Frank Richards M 25-29
Half Marathon Start:   Gun 7:59:53     Chip 8:00:14
Splits:5 Km10 Km10 MiFinishO'AllSexDiv

Overall: 2708 out of 10378 · Division: 281 out of 729 · Gender: 1927 out of 4547

The Ugly...

Next:  To get the proper Vibrams designed specially for running.  These would help to whisk away the sweat and help minimize/prevent blisters.  Couple of people have said they finished full marathons in them.  I"M SOLD!

Song: This was my motivation song... DJ Got Us Following in Love Again... by Usher featuring Pitbull.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Half Marathon Sunday

Come 8am, you'll hear the gun go off... me and about 13,000 others start to take off on a 13.1 mile journey through my beloved city... San Jose.  This will be the 5th annual Rock and Roll Half Marathon here, and I've been lucky enough to take part in four of them, each time getting better and better.  But this time, it's a different story.

I'll be close to barefoot, running in my black Vibram FiveFingers KSO.  Wish me luck!  My goal is to hopefully survive, but more over, meet or beat my previous record set last year... 1 hour, 50min.  The furthest I've ever ran in these is 6 miles with a mix of soft dirt.. SO.THIS.WILL.BE.INTERESTING!

Off to Running the Streetz!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Just a quick posting so I don't forget.  Yesterday, I worked on the snatch technique for about 20 minutes.... We took it from both the ground and from the hang positions.  I used 95lb but could have gone heavier but knew the WOD I had in store for the day, so needed to play it smart.  This was encouraging because my 1rep max used to be that two months ago.  Lesson Learned: be more explosive when jumping from above the knee.

The WOD was a killer and one Jason said he completed in about 7min, lol, and got him pretty damn sore.  Complete for time 10 Rounds of:

  • 15 Deadlifts 135#'s
  • 15 Push Ups

Took me 15:40, for I was able to get the first round of DL unbroken and the first few rounds of PU unbroken.  Then I had to break the DL down into sets of 5.. and toward the later rounds, maybe sets of 2 ;(  As for the pushups, I fell to my knees a few times on the later rounds (150 PUs!!!!)  I was dripping in sweat.

Felt like I was on top of the word after I was done though.  Hard workout but one that was very much needed.  Need to lower my rest count for there were times I went to do a DL and said 'shoot, one more breather' ;)~

Aiight, time to start my workday.. with my slight sore lower back.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I did it, plus OT!

Today, I had to prove myself... I was going into a workout that I wanted to finish in less then 30 minutes because normally I finish it in 32-34 min.  But I have to admit, I was concerned because I wasn't 100% due to recovering from an illness.

It's called the THE FILTHY FIFTY!!  For Time:
  • 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
  • 50 Steps of Walking Lunges
  • 50 Knees to Elbows
  • 50 Push Press, 45 pounds
  • 50 Back Extensions
  • 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
  • 50 Burpees 
  • 50 Double unders
By the 25 min marker, I was at the last item.  And finally finished in about 28min. This is an amazing accomplishment for I only stopped once during the KB Swings (@#42) and kept a steady/calm pace on everything else, even the Wall Balls which I hate!  I remained focused and kept my eye on the clock continuing to encourage myself as I marked each workout off my list.

To celebrate, I spent about 20 minutes after class working on hand stands and walking hand stands.  I mos def am doing better then when I first tried to do HS.  I use to tire out quickly and fall with pretty hard force. Now I feel my hands moving to keep my balance along with engaging my core and keeping my feet/toes together... not to mention I land like a cat (not all the time though, lol).

Today Was A Good Day!