Friday, December 17, 2010

Nasty Girls

So, first, today, I made a commitment for the first 6 weeks of 2011.  Take part in my box's Paleo Challenge.  What does this mean, Frank's gonna have to be very serious about what he eats ;(  Anyway, it's for the positive and would be one of the steps towards cooking more for 2011.  Wish me Luck!

Second, I did Nasty Girls today as the WOD.  It's a CF benchmark.  You can see it in action during this video.  You are suppose to complete 3 Rounds for time of:
  • 50 Air Squats
  • 7 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135#'s

Results: I finished in 14min and  11secs.  Jason was hoping for everyone to finish in 10.  So, yeah, lol.
I used 115 for the first round and 95 for the second and third rounds.  I was able to complete the MU in the first round, 5 in the second round, and only 1 for the third.  We had to substitute 2 Ring Dips and 2 Pull Ups for each MU we could not complete.  Spent a lot of time resting during the MUs too.  The Air Squats sucked of course!

Aiight, Thanks for the workout Nasty Girls!  Time to investigate Paleo and REALLY understand it.

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