Tuesday, December 14, 2010

100 Burpees- Rocky Style

As I said before, I'm taking part in the 365 Day Burpee Challenge.  Hope you still are if you're taking part.  I've been.... well... let's just say I've been slacking and had to pay the price!  It's the 14th day, so I should be doing 14, but instead, I had to do 102 because I only been active first few days and the ones I missed were piling up.  So, what's a Crossfitter to do?

Make up a WOD!!!  Even though it was raining, slightly windy, and cold, I still went to work.  I call it getting my ROCKY on!
  • Complete 4 rounds of 25 Burpees and a 300/350m Run.
Results were 100 Burpees and almost a Mile ran in 14min, 45seconds.  It was one of those workouts that sound easy but most definitely test your endurance.  During the first run, I was scared I had 75 left to do.  During the last run, I felt like it took forever to complete.  I was proud of my efforts and can see myself doing sub 13min.

Anyway, can't keep this long, but just know tomorrow... I'm doing 15! (plus 2 more I'm missing from today)


  1. Funny.... you were dreading burpees, I was dreading the 300m sprints. Imma make it sub 13 too!!!!!! :) ... one day... next year! Good job for sticking with the challenge! Get back on track!

  2. 100 burpees ain't no joke, but "they have their purpose".

  3. lol, hilarious, now I got the joke.. from the video.. Tea with Tyson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5XFH36UdQ4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
