Sunday, October 3, 2010

Half Marathon... The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Today was half marathon day.

The Good...
I finished a half marathon in my Vibram FiveFingers KSO!!  (checks off bucket list).  Also, I set my record 5k (3.1mile) record of under 23 minutes.
The Bad...
Didn't set my personal record for beginning at the 8mile marker, blisters set in and I had to stop every once in a while.  Was on pace for 1:40ish.. ended up being 1:59 ;(

2435 Frank Richards M 25-29
Half Marathon Start:   Gun 7:59:53     Chip 8:00:14
Splits:5 Km10 Km10 MiFinishO'AllSexDiv

Overall: 2708 out of 10378 · Division: 281 out of 729 · Gender: 1927 out of 4547

The Ugly...

Next:  To get the proper Vibrams designed specially for running.  These would help to whisk away the sweat and help minimize/prevent blisters.  Couple of people have said they finished full marathons in them.  I"M SOLD!

Song: This was my motivation song... DJ Got Us Following in Love Again... by Usher featuring Pitbull.


  1. Congrats to you and your blisters!! Good stuff

  2. lol, the blister said thanks back (it's big enough too)
