Monday, October 11, 2010


BBB stands for Brothers By Blood... our team name when we used to play together online.  Well, those days rarely happen as we both have devoted our free time to Crossfit and supporting and motivating each other.  I was lucky enough to have him join me this weekend for both a WOD at our box and the Tough Mudder.  I was extremely proud of him and is effort.. like a son and his father (he may roast me on the side or say WHO THE F* IS U?!?! )  (which is an inside joke).

Here's a quick dump of my results to track later

Monday, October 11, 2010
Back Squat 5-3-1, 135, 145, and then 155 with 2+

Row 500 meter's then 3 rounds for time of:
  • 7 Full Cleans @ 135lbs
  • 10 Burpees over the bar 
Results:  Used 95lbs and took 9.5 min total.  Gave couple sec rest after each FC rep. ;(

Friday, October 07, 2010
WOD: 10 Rounds for Time of:
  • 10 Box Jump's 24"
  • 7 Power Snatches @ 95#'s
Results: Think it was 14-15min.. forgot.


  1. Anytime your brother comes in town, we never get to see him. Are you embarrassed by us or something? haha...

    Nice pic of y'all!

  2. It's great you spent time with your bro doing what you love to do. Keep up the good work. You are looking great!

  3. Thanks Portia for the continued encouragement.. I'm blushing!

  4. That's messed up. And you didn't even put an 'lol' or anything... smh.

  5. Buddies Separated At Birth? Cuz if it was Boys, it'd be awkward.
