Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smart Workout Story

Here's a Story I'd like to Share....

These are the days I enjoy.. not only do you push yourself physically, but also mentally.  Today, you estimate and schedule your 'work'out accordingly so that you finish on time.  You have exactly TEN minutes to complete the following tasks... with a 20 second margin of error.... in other words... ten seconds BEFORE or AFTER the ten minute clock... I confuse anyone???

So, you are penalized with extra work (20 BURPEES!) if you finish before 9:50 or after 10:10. At the start of the clock, you have to:
  • Row 500 meters 
  • Perform max reps of Ground to Overhead @ 155#'s (Clean and Jerks mostly)
  • Run 400 meters
The goal is to get a high score by performing as many clean and jerks as possible while returning from the run right at the ten min marker.  So, if it takes you 2min to run 400m, then you need to be out that door at 8min ;)  But then again.. you just put in some tiring work before hand... "will I need more time to run?"  "Can I still perform the same?"  These are the questions you ask yourself as you are working out... "oh, I should start running, but I can get one more clean and jerk in"... still with me?

I was able to complete the Row in less then 2mins with a steady calm pace... then on to the Clean and Jerks.  I used 115lb for the first 25reps (which left me with 3min left).  I then went down to 95lbs to get a quick burner in.  Put me at 35 reps but with 90secs left.

Judgement call time!  I know I can sprint it in about a minute, but I am SUPER tired.  But I need to get out the door still (takes time) and return.. so I leave with 8:45ish on the clock.

While sprinting around, my hearts racing, legs burner, just overall destroyed... but I thought about almost being done and wanting to reach that ten min goal.  I'm counting to myself, wondering am I really mimicking seconds on a clock and estimating as I think is needed.... I'm at 60 secs so far..

I come around the last turn, and see the imaginary finish line ribbon hanging along the doorway.  I tear thru it and look up at the clock...

10:01... I did it... no damn BURPEES!

(crashes to floor)


  1. Oops. Might be 20 secs before or after.

  2. Sweetness! Congrats Frank.

  3. Thanks Buddy! (lol at the sweetness.. forgot how cool you were)
