Sunday, March 28, 2010


This morning was a first for me... sprinting bleachers!  It was one seeeeeeeriousness workout.

As you can see in the pic, I was litterally everywhere, followed by some 100yd sprints on the field, which was setup for Soccer and not a Graduation when the Google Earth image was taken.  My GPS tracked me, but the altitude change of the stands could have caused it to appear the way it did.

Anyway, the distance covered according to the watch was about 2.5 miles and we spent about an hour out there.  This consisted of sprinting up touching every step, and then running back down and over to the next row to sprint back up again.  4 complete back-N-forth's were made, with the last being 'skipping a step'.. so kind of like lunging up and quickly.  Pretty 'badass!'. There's about 10 rows... (pulling out calculator).. doubling the ends in a sense... back and forth makes 20... times 4... ummm, carry the 1.. comes to 80 sprints ON STAIRS... lol.. geez.  I'm surprised I survived and am able to tell the story of the Sargonian Special.

Thanks Homie!  Hope I don't feel it during my basketball game!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Last Night, I was a BAD BOY!

Yep, ate three cupcakes from Kara's.  Well, not really 3, just 2 and a mini, so not as bad.  I could blame it on Stino's and their extremely slow service, but I'm not.  Only have myself to blame.

Anyway, I used that to push me hard today during lunch.  Today's workout gets your heart rate up mostly, with weights at the end.
  • Run 400 meters
  • 25 Hip Extensions
  • 25 Push Ups
  • Run 200 meters
  • 25 Hip Extensions
  • 25 Ring Dips
  • Run 400 meters
  • 25 Hang Power Cleans @ 115#
  • Goal time: Sub 14 minutes
I finished in 13 min, with the most of it going to the HPC at the end. I could probably get 2 in before dropping the bar and resting for a few seconds. Personal goal is to hammer out in sets of fives. The legit ring dips kicked my butt too!

Warmup was a casual 20min consisting of a 400m jog, some burpees, air squats, and practicing the HPC with a 45lb weight. Maybe some other stuff as well, but forgot.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How Long Can You Last?

Ever do something and wish you had more energy to keep doing it???  If so, try Tabata.  It's an interval training method where you have 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes.  Now that's a workout!  You may have heard of Tabata Situps... that's pretty popular.

My workout of the day was a Tabata one but with mostly NO rest :(  We had to keep moving during rest...

  • Tabata Jumping Pull ups with mountain climbers during the rest period.
  • immediately after
  • Tabata Push Ups with jumping over a 12" object during the rest
  • immediately after
  • Tabata Push Press with a 45# bar, but finally getting the 10sec rest :)
  • immediately after
  • Tabata Air Squats with a short sprint during the rest period

After that, I ran for my water and took down 8oz in record setting pace.  This is a 16min workout and is what we'd call a 'burner', especially after the push ups.

The warm up was: 400m jog, 500m row, slam ball, back extensions, sit-up extensions, suicides with 20lb medicine ball, and one-handed over head medicine ball walk/run.

The skill work of the day was the Handstand.  I instead worked on Muscle Ups, which is my new passion.. if ya haven't been noticing.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Take Your Clothes Off!

Man, today was one of those perfect days...
  1. windows down
  2. hair blowing in the wind (yep, all of it!)
  3. temp was low 70s
  4. not a cloud in the sky
Just perfect!  So, I decided to step out into nature and run  Black Mountain (Los Altos Hills, 94024) again.  I did last weekend but it has an elevation that could literally kill you if you don't come prepared... mentally and physically.  So, I wasn't out there to long that day.

It was a liberating run for me because I did it like a caveman would... running freely with a shirt off.  For me, this is big.. and it's the next step in pushing me in the direction I'm leaning for.  Feels pretty amazing to feel the cool air and heat on my back.  So looking forward to not having the wife-beater tan anymore! Oh, and I was playing about the pic link :)  I just want a simple beach body, and no crazy tan line.

So, progress...

This time, I made it to the top-middle... right before the rolling hills began (for those who are aware).  I basically turned back at that 1st random power line. Round trip took 1 hour, 12min.  Took me 42 min to get to the power line (3.3miles) and turned around to coast down pretty quickly.

The first 1 mile is really, really steep, and takes me about 12-13 min to get up.. mostly taking large steps or running very slowly.  At this point, due to the high altitude change, you see an awesome view of the Bay Area, like baller cribs, Stanford,  Palo Alto, Mountain View, Moffett Field, etc.  For the next 2.5 miles, it's steady inclines that are runnable, yet still pretty tiring and keep your heart rate up...

Why did I stop???  The next mile is a killer and I didn't have any fluids or food with me, so didn't want to chance it.  With a proper dinner the day before and breakfast before the run, I'll probably push it next time.  It's a pretty heavily traveled path, so I'll be cool.

If anyone in the crew (or a group) every wants to HIKE/backpack it, let me know.. assuming I didn't scare you =)  It's not that bad.  We can have lunch at the top and hopefully you can see some amazing things if it's not foggy.  Here is a collection of pics from the trail and the summit.  Enjoy!

Caveman Frank.. out


Friday, March 19, 2010

I Can't Feel My Arms ;(

Man, today's workout was pretty rough. I went in having high hopes and it killed me. But this is good.

Warmup was 400m jog, then various presses, squats, and thrusters with 20lb medicine ball, bear crawls, and 200m jog.

Then did a timed technique workout with shoulder push presses for 2min, rest1 min, 2min, rest 1min, then 2 more min of it with 135lb (i used 95lb) and got about 10-15 per reps per round. They wanted 20 :(

Then rest about 10 minutes for Workout of the Day:
5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters @ 165#/105#
1-2-3-4-5 Muscle Ups

I was pretty beat, had to use 75lb to get deep squats during the thrusters. Was able to complete the first 2 rounds of MU, before reverting to pulls/dips/push-ups. Finished in 11min.

That's it! I'm tired of typing with my toes.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Frank the Filthy Fifty!

Aww, you win some, and you looooose some... I finished below at 32:10. About a min longer then my previous. My assumption, no one was in my circuit with me, so I had to compete against myself.

"Filthy Fifty"

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows (was slow for some reason)
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (doing better)
50 Burpees (doing these almost last sucks!)
50 Double unders (sub'd for 150 regular jump rope)

The warm up was 400 meters and doing most of the above with a 16lb medicine ball. Had me sweating, lol. Tried to do muscle ups after WOD, but couldn't. Body is beat!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Freakishly Athletic?!?!?!

LOL, that is what I was called today. It's kinda funny, but the reason being is because I can do a Muscle Up, but not by following the technique behind it 100%. So, I pulled out the celly to captured what they meant. My first attempt was the weird one, where my second, without letting go was better. Now I know what was meant by that. If I get the tech down, I should be able to to more. After 2 or 3, I have to take a short rest.

Enjoy the video.. if I have it working. (press PLAY)

WOD was four, 4 Min rounds, with 30 secs rest between them of
  • 5 Burpee's with a jump to a 1ft target over our 'extended hands'
  • Walking lunges back and forth across the gym floor
Results: Got about 4 rounds in each, with the last round only having 3. Then I worked on Muscle Ups. Need to keep my arms in throughout the movement. Got up to three in a row, but didn't capture on video.

2012 London Summer Olympics.. here I come!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lunch was a Disappointment!

Why, cuz I had high hopes of having a quick/short, 3 or 4 min one.. where it ended up being over 9min, 50s.

I had to perform 75 pull ups....but with a catch... once a minute passes, I have to do 20 wall ball shots with a 20lb ball.  And whatever time I have left, I do pullups.  So, after the first minute, reality set in when I got to about 35.  Then time to hit the wall balls and next thing you know I only have 15 to 10 secs left to put towards pullups before the 2 minute marker came.  That sucked!  I suck at wall balls and it slowed me down.. to the point I didn't have time to secure more pullups.  I was forced to finally drop to 15 of them and finally finished with a good time. 

Battle Womb: I got a great deal of callus formation (there goes my 'hand modeling').  Just finished cutting away the skin (anyone want to buy?)  Would post a pic but I don't even want to see it again myself.

Warm Up: back extensions, 500 meter row, air squats, overhead squats with pvc, hand stands, and 30inch box steps with 20lb dumbbells in farmer drip.

Skill Work: Back Squats.. used 95lbs to learn to get very low and deep.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

20 Years in the Making

Warning... this might be a sad post to some.. so if you don't want to feel a little depressed.. return when I have a new posting.  Been fighting all day if I want to share it... but since this is who I am.. might as well.


20 years ago in Germany, my brother, a graduating high school senior, came to pick me up from my second grade class.  He reminded me in the car how sick dad was because he and mom had to go to a hospital in the States.  He then had to tell me how dad is no longer with us....  Soon after, we flew to Cali for the funeral, or what I would call my first and last 'Family Reunion'.  I met people who I would never have thought would shape the next 15 years of my life... most importantly, my Aunt Helen.  My mother, unsure of what to do now, was told by Helen "everything will be OK... You and the Boys are going to come to Grambling.  Dennis will enroll in college and Frank, the laboratory school on campus.. and then you'll go to school when ready."

So, we did.. and after 15 years, Dennis, a CRNA and I, a new IBMer, were able to reflect on our lives and honestly agree that things could have been much worse... if we didn't have such a strong family backbone... Helen.  If we had gone directly to SoCal... well, I hate to say, I might not be writing this blog right now (yeah, I know, that sucks!)

Before my father's passing... I was just a kid... I remember getting into trouble and going to the principals office, and having a couple awards for good grades.  I don't recall being outstanding in anything.. other then 4-Squares.  Well, when I started at AJB Elementary, the person you know today was actually born (that's why I look 20!). I had to step up early and be a MAN, like responsibilities around the house and had to finish my homework before I could go out and play =)  My brother was doing the college life (you know, get away from house as  much as possible) I went everywhere with my mother, because I, ironically named after my father, was all my mother had left of dad.  I attended hospice/counseling and heard stories of others' pain.  Over time, I'd sit in the back seat of the car, hearing my mother and her friends complain and male bash (don't worry, few years after my father... life goes on, ya know).  I soaked in so much at an early age, observing as much as I can, learning from others mistakes, what people like, don't like, what annoys them.  It was a great opportunity... until I got older and noticed I think too damn much!  (but that's another story).

Anyway... eventually I got to an age where my brother and I could hang out.  I think it started with basketball in the back yard because I was 'big enough' to play and actually dominate him from behind the arch (this one spot far back by a tree).  This is the point in my life where he started to criticize me for things I'd say, that kids would say.  I remember he got on me for using slang and calling him stupid... as in basically being immature.  Well, it took me awhile, but I finally realized what he was doing and who I was being molded into.  Most def a professional young adult... still in middle school.  This is also around the time in my life where he asked me to be his Best Man... well, I don't know if he really asked me.. but I do know.. I still owe him a bachelors party! (I was 13, lol).  Anyway, he had kids and I became Uncle Frank and watched and learned a lot from him.  Not sure I said Thank You  enough times... so if you ended up seeing this... Thanks Yo! (yep, slang).

Wow, I just looked back and realized how long this is... I didn't mean to make it that long, or what was really my point in all this.. so maybe I'll continue another year, lol..  But to quickly sum it up... I'll close with a quote I came across yesterday.. 'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'   At an early age, I experienced something pretty traumatic, and in the end, was able to make the best of it by not making any excuses.  I may not have honored my father's wishes of one day operating a fighting military helicopter, slinging my hair back as I put on my helmet... but at least I slicked my hair back later on in life for half a year.  I know he's looking down on me smiling, proud of what I have accomplished and continuing to with his name.  Even though I don't really say it enough... truly, I love you Dad.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Moment of Truth...

Time to Benchmark myself with the Crossfit Totals
  • According to log, haven't been to CF in close to a week
  • Doing the CFT is far behind as well (it's the 10th)
  • Mentally, not present during first part of tests
  • Didn't eat properly since Sushi lunch.. only had Brownie.. no energy @ gym
  • Spirits lifted during Deadlift, due to crunk song or noticing surprising improvement
  • no matter what... there are NO excuses! You put in what you put out.
Movement - Max
Squat - 155 (up 10)
Press - 125 (up 10)
Deadlift - 255 (up 70)
 CFT is 535 (up 90)

What does this mean?  I have moved from UNTRAINED to NOVICE!  Cause for celebration...  Next, I need about another 100lb to move to "Intermediate".  Need to do more squats and presses as well!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WHY Crossfit? I get this question a lot...

For me, I choose to answer the question differently.  The reasons are endless. 
  1. to live a long and healthy life with loved ones, both family and friends. Shoot, at 70, I want to be tough competition for the grand-kids!
  2. spring into action as a hero when needed.  I keep having dreams, so one day it might happen and I'll  be E........ get it??? A red E???  (probably another Funny that didn't go over)
  3. be eye-candy for my significant other.  The Old Spice man is killing me, lol. I love that commercial.
  4. motivation for others. So many have pushed and motivated me throughout the years.  I want to do the same in return.
  5. self accomplishment in something new for my body/life. Basically, being 'comfortable with the uncomfortable.'
Now, you might say, "Frank, you can get all the above just doing any type of exercise routine".  This is true, for I heard a lot of great feedback from friends/family whom have seen first hand what going to the gym and eating right has done to me.  Running kept me healthy, but adding gym and healthy food substitutions pushed 'healthy' to a new level.  Oh, and also wearing the new clothes too.  Got to love Medium t-shirts! =)

Anyway, the correct response you might be looking for concerning "WHY Crossfit?" are:
  1. Not the same workouts.  The workout of the day (WOD) varies from day to day, so you don't get bored with a  routine.  I look at it as an obstacle course.  Who doesn't love obstacle courses?!?! 
  2. Kicks your butt (still deciding if I want to cuss on my blog). Some workouts I dread because they really push you, but once I'm done, I'm glad I did it.  I feel like I worked harder then running a marathon.  This is great since workouts are full body and include both strength and conditioning/cardio.
  3. Instructor led. It's like having your own personal trainer!  Plus, mine won the 2008 Crossfit Games!
  4. Comradery. Nothing beats people pushing one another for a common goal (kind of like the ones I listed earlier.. well, at least a couple of them).  My brother and couple of friends have invested their time into it, pushing, motivating, and learning from each other.
  5. Great Price when you think of it.  Depending on city and what the 'box' has to offer, I've seen monthly unlimited access prices ranging from $75 to $200 a month.  To compare... Personal Training at 24 Fitness, they have a special now, three 50min sessions for $129.  For personal trainers outside a gym, I see $50 to $150 PER SESSION.  So, the savings add up significantly if you need someone pushing you!
  6. All Natural Movements.   It's basically workouts that involve daily life.. from jumping, to climbing, picking large stuff off the floor... building the strength needed to do it quickly, properly, and most importantly, SAFELY.  When I used to help my friends move, I'd be the one keeping the door open for others to move the big ol skool box TVs inside. Now I can probably deadlift the TV myself and move it wherever it's needed (plz don't test me!).
  7. Results. They're out there!  Many people speak highly of the transformations that CF has given them.  But with any workout, there needs to be patience and goals set that are achievable.  By following the CF benchmarks, I'm able to see my progress and know that I'm getting closer and closer to my goal.  And one thing I can say is.. you get out what you put in.
Well, I hope I'm motivating others out there to continue to live a healthy life in some form.  I enjoy things that take me away from the everyday stresses of life or assist me in keeping my eye on the goal.  CF is one of those, along with my family and friends of course.

I thank those who are following me and telling me on the side they are reading the blog.  Feel free to comment =) but I understand if you don't.  I don't comment myself, lol.  Aiight, it's way past my bed time.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

While you sleep... I play!

6:00am.. Alarm goes off.. SNOOZE  
6:09am.. Alarm goes off.. SNOOZE  
6:18am.. Alarm goes off.. SNOOZE  
6:27am.. Alarm goes off.. SNOOZE 
6:36am.. Alarm goes off.. "GET UP FRANK"   
Eat, Brush Teeth, Wash Face, Out the Door!  
7:05am.. Crossfit (oops, 5 min late) 
WOD was fun, especially since it was raining.  Felt like Rocky.               

Repeat this cycle as many times as possible in 15 minutes:
Max Push Ups without stopping   
Sprint 200 meters  
Max Pull ups without dropping off the bar  
Sprint 200 meters  
Max Hand Stand Push Ups without stopping
Sprint 200 meters
Max Ring Rows without stopping

What does not stopping mean? It means as soon as your speed slows down and you have to rest, drop, hold a position, you are done and back out on the run.
I finished three rounds, 137 reps total.  I suck at HSPUs!  Made most ground up with push ups and kippin.  Seem to be one of the better numbers for the class that showed up, which is motivating (hardcore folks come in PM :)

Also, I do have one battle womb... knocked my shin against a box.. Now I have a knot there =(

Also, attempted one Muscle Up today and got it.  Yeah!  Next go.. many in succession.

Aiight, off to get the day over with!