Thursday, September 30, 2010


Just a quick posting so I don't forget.  Yesterday, I worked on the snatch technique for about 20 minutes.... We took it from both the ground and from the hang positions.  I used 95lb but could have gone heavier but knew the WOD I had in store for the day, so needed to play it smart.  This was encouraging because my 1rep max used to be that two months ago.  Lesson Learned: be more explosive when jumping from above the knee.

The WOD was a killer and one Jason said he completed in about 7min, lol, and got him pretty damn sore.  Complete for time 10 Rounds of:

  • 15 Deadlifts 135#'s
  • 15 Push Ups

Took me 15:40, for I was able to get the first round of DL unbroken and the first few rounds of PU unbroken.  Then I had to break the DL down into sets of 5.. and toward the later rounds, maybe sets of 2 ;(  As for the pushups, I fell to my knees a few times on the later rounds (150 PUs!!!!)  I was dripping in sweat.

Felt like I was on top of the word after I was done though.  Hard workout but one that was very much needed.  Need to lower my rest count for there were times I went to do a DL and said 'shoot, one more breather' ;)~

Aiight, time to start my workday.. with my slight sore lower back.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I did it, plus OT!

Today, I had to prove myself... I was going into a workout that I wanted to finish in less then 30 minutes because normally I finish it in 32-34 min.  But I have to admit, I was concerned because I wasn't 100% due to recovering from an illness.

It's called the THE FILTHY FIFTY!!  For Time:
  • 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
  • 50 Steps of Walking Lunges
  • 50 Knees to Elbows
  • 50 Push Press, 45 pounds
  • 50 Back Extensions
  • 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
  • 50 Burpees 
  • 50 Double unders
By the 25 min marker, I was at the last item.  And finally finished in about 28min. This is an amazing accomplishment for I only stopped once during the KB Swings (@#42) and kept a steady/calm pace on everything else, even the Wall Balls which I hate!  I remained focused and kept my eye on the clock continuing to encourage myself as I marked each workout off my list.

To celebrate, I spent about 20 minutes after class working on hand stands and walking hand stands.  I mos def am doing better then when I first tried to do HS.  I use to tire out quickly and fall with pretty hard force. Now I feel my hands moving to keep my balance along with engaging my core and keeping my feet/toes together... not to mention I land like a cat (not all the time though, lol).

Today Was A Good Day!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Getting Over Sickness

So, I spent most of Sunday trying to sweat out a random cold that overcame me.  Same for today, Monday, sitting in a house in the high 80s, eating hot food, being mad at this random cold.  Mos def had to be a side effect of my Friday and Saturday workout.  I took my vitamins but must not have taken them at the right time.  Working out not only breaks your body down, but your immune system as well ( I think, I'm not a doctor).

So, just gonna do this quick post and take some drugs to knock me out.

Technique was 5 Rounds of 3 Rep back squat.  Think I got 155 but failed at 165.

The WOD was suppose to be a workout done in three minutes.  Took me 4:45 seconds

20-10-5 Reps of  Overhead Squat 95#'s  (used 65lbs) and Pull Up's.

After that, do two prowler pushes. I hate OHS and PP!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fundraising Event

Crossfit is more then just working out.. but a community of people supporting various charities.   This year, they opened their arms to benefit three: LIVESTRONG, Wounded Warrior Project and the CrossFit Foundation.

They do this by taking part in the Fight Gone Bad fundraising event, which is named after one of our benchmarks. Today, all the Crossfits around the country took part in this event by accepting donations.

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We did this for 4 rounds even though you were asked to do 3. The stations are:

   1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
   2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
   3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
   4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
   5. Row: calories (Calories)

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.  I completed 80, 50, 45, and 40 reps/calories for a total of 215 (i think).  I really sucked and can owe that to dying yesterday (Hard to workout as a ghost!)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fight of My Life

July 10, 1981 - September 24, 2010

Today, I died.  Really, I did, for like 3 minutes, I was out.. racing heart, extremely heavy/deep breathing, eyes closed, laying back on the hard floor, rolling back and forth, uncontrollable movements... all this from the worse crossfit workout in my life.  I hated it because it pushed me to my physical limits.  I literally cried.
  • 40 Box Jumps
  • 20 Thruster's @ 115#'s
  • 30 Box Jumps
  • 10 Thruster's @ 115#'s
  • 20 Box Jumps
  • 5 Thruster's @ 115#'s
I don't even remember when I finished.. maybe 15 or 17 min... but when it was done I went straight to the floor and forgot about everything... Just for reference.. I did the first round at 85lbs and then the rest at 65... using the 30inch box for first 2.5 rounds and then 20something for rest.

Also, here are the last pictures taken of me (courtesy of Tamara Photography Inc)...  time to go haunt some people =)

 R.I.P. Frank

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome Back!

So, I've been away for awhile due to visiting the east coast.  I had a blast but hope to have visited some CF boxes there, but times just didn't work out.  That's my one negative thing against NY/Jersey...  something of very short distance takes time and effort to get too.  Other then that, I do love the East Coast!

Yeah, don't laugh at my efforts above
(at hand stands.. and photoshop.. I mean MS Paint)

Anyway, as for today's class.  We started off with a pretty basic full body warm up. We did 2 rounds of 250 meter row, 10 GHD Situps, and 10 GHD Back Extensions. Then we did various stretches back and forth the box's floor.. Samson Stretches, Toes to Hands, High Knees, and Butt Kicks.  Rick was the trainer today.

Then we started the technique of the day, which was doing 4 rounds of 2 rep Heavy Power Cleans (2,2,2,2,).  Object is to perform 2 reps back to back (no rest.. after dropping 1st rep, get down and pick it up quickly again).  I know my one rep max is 175.. but not sure how many I can do back to back.  I warmed up with 135 and then gradually increased to a successful double rep of 155.  I kept dropping my second attempts of 165 and 160...    I realized when I execute the pull/jump correctly at the mid thigh, I can get the weight flying up to catch it in the quarter squat.  I need to work on more force to catch it higher.

The WOD was quickly jumped on to next, and let me tell you the effort I put into the Power Cleans taxed me during the WOD.  For time, complete four rounds of :
  • 25 box jumps
  • 20 kb swings 2pd 
  • 10 toes to bar
I used the 30 inch box jumps to push myself and also the 2pd for 1.5 rounds and randomly for 5 sets of the rest of rounds. That most def killed me.  I could do 1.5 pd easily and 2pd magnifies the challenge.  Wished there was a 1.75 =)  Finished in 15min even.  I thought it was pretty awesome to stick with the 2pd, which is basically half my body weight.

This is an example of CF at it's best... varied workout to challenge you for every day functions.  Warm-up had me sweating.. then I had to work on strength building.. then do some intense strength/cardio work...  It's like getting into a fight.. with yourself.  Your basically beat yourself up.. yet still win in the end.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Three Musketeers

Today was awesome!  Tamararararara :) joined Trisha and I for the Saturday workout.  I had to admit, I was impressed.  She did very well and already knew how to do the basic movements (like the squat).  That seems to be a problem for most people during Day 1.  She does have a history of weight lifting and it showed.

The WOD was called a delightful Saturday Treat... not sure why.  It wasn't a bad one, just a test of your cardio and inner strength to continue to push yourself.  We had to complete 10 Rounds for time of:
  • 10 Push Up's (legit!!)
  • 10 Wall Ball Shots (20lb)
  • 10 Jumping Lunges (each lunge is 1)
I decided to track my time throughout the workout and see how I perform.  I'd expect each round to get slower then the one before.. or keep the output as the same (that'd be badass!).  But since I like to blow my load early, lol.. it will be hard to do.  So...
  • After 5 Rounds, I was at 5:15 (1min, 3secs a round)
  • After 7 Rounds, I was at 9:00 (1min, 52 secs a round)
  • After 9 Rounds, I was at 13:20 (2 min, 10 secs a round)
  • Then finished up at 15:00 (average 1min 30secs a round)
This means I started off hella quick.. but then started taking breathers after round 5.  My push ups and wall balls mos def took a hit after then as well.  

My 'peoples' did very well!  Not sure Trisha noticed, but I saw major improvement in her cardio.  Good Job Trisssssh!  Tamara stuck with it and did well too.  For this being her first major workout in years, showed me she has major potential.  Now, I'm not gonna roast her for going to Dunkin' Donuts afterwards ;)  Hope to see ya at CF again!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Banged it out and came on home...

Gotta do a quick post today.

Technique was the Shoulder Press.  Basically you start with the wieght at your shoulder and then push it up over your head and lock out your arms with your head through.  You don't use any other part of your body.  Just slow and steady pushing with your arms and shoulders.

We had to do 3-3-3-3-3.. (5 sets of 3 reps) going heavy where the third rep was a struggle.  I know my 1 rep max is 125lbs. So I tried 115 and that was a struggle where I got 2.5 in, lol.  From there as I warmed up more, I could do 110-115lb struggling.  Shoulders are one of your hardest muscle to use over and over.. they tire very quickly ;(

The WOD was cool but was hard due to the shoulder press.  For 5 Rounds do
  • 10 Push Press (start from the floor at 135#'s)
  • 20 Box Jumps
A push press is like a shoulder press  but you can use your lower body to thrust the weight in the air.  So in theory, u can push press a lot more.  I did 135 for first round, 115 for 2nd and 3rd round, then 95 for 4th and 5th.  Took me about 8min, 30secs.  I wish I would have sucked it up and stayed at 115.  I keep forgetting time doesn't help me.

Aiight, it's been real!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Like to Jerk!

Yeah, I said it, lol.

Anyway, the clean and jerk is one of my favorite moves.  It focuses on moving an object from the lowest point possible (ground) to the highest point (straight over head).  It's really a full body workout while dialing in your focus, strength, stability, and speed.

Today's WOD consided of 3 rounds of the following, at a rep count of 15-12-9.
  • Clean and Jerk (115#)
  • Pull Up's
I finished in 7 min, 20 secs, with the last two rounds being at a weight of 95.  When I was done, I realized I should have just stuck with the 115, but would would have been done in about 11 to 12 min.  I'll do this for next time.  GO HEAVY OR GO HOME!!!! I keep forgetting this ;(

The technique for the day was the back squat.. 5 Rounds and 3 reps each.  I suck at back squats but remembered when the days when the bar brought me to my knees (45lbs).  I did 115, 135, 135, 145 and 155. Jason was there to push me to 155, which not to long was slight under my 1 rep max.

It was a good day at the Box....


Take a break and find me in the below two pictures.  Click on them to make bigger.


Did you find me?  Pat yourself on the back.. Don't forget to check out more pics from the Labor Day WOD in the previous post.  Ok, get back to work.. or school.. or sittin on yo butt!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Workout

Today's WOD was about team work.  Everyone came from both sites and we put in work.  Check out the pic of what we did.  We did it amongst a team of 4 or 5.  Afterward, we had BBQ and Cake ;)  Got closer with more people in our Crossfit Community.. and a tan, lol.  Good times!

Cool Cake Design ^^
Bumper Plate, Kettlebell, Jump Rope, Ring, and Tractor Tire!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Ate Crossfit for Lunch

For lunch, I had
  • 40 Deadlift's at 225lbs 
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 20 Hand Stand Push Ups 
  • 800 Meter Run
  • 10 Muscle Ups
  • 1200 Meter Run
  • and 2 Prowler Pushes for dessert!
It was soo delicious! I laid on the floor crying.  Meal lasted for about 25 min and afterward, I got a little greedy and slammed down a protein shake too!

Can't wait for dinner!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Another Sighting... of me!!!!!!

Today's WOD was simple, yet a killer!

Technique for the day was to find your 1 Rep Max Power Clean... I got a new PR!!! Yeah, go me.  It's 175lbs.  Early July it used to be 135 and feeling light headed... today I felt in control.  I kept dropping the 185 ;(

Anyway, the WOD!  In 1 min, do 5 burpees but jump and touch the ceiling beam and do 20 pushups.  Rest of time you can rest and then after the minute is over, you get an additional 30sec rest and do it all over again.  Think we completed 7 rounds.  I was able to hold 20 for about three of them, and then 15, 12, 9, then just lost count, lol.  In the final round, you just do burpees for full min.  Was only able to get in 9 or 10.

Think the pic was taken during the 5th or 6th round....