Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Three Musketeers

Today was awesome!  Tamararararara :) joined Trisha and I for the Saturday workout.  I had to admit, I was impressed.  She did very well and already knew how to do the basic movements (like the squat).  That seems to be a problem for most people during Day 1.  She does have a history of weight lifting and it showed.

The WOD was called a delightful Saturday Treat... not sure why.  It wasn't a bad one, just a test of your cardio and inner strength to continue to push yourself.  We had to complete 10 Rounds for time of:
  • 10 Push Up's (legit!!)
  • 10 Wall Ball Shots (20lb)
  • 10 Jumping Lunges (each lunge is 1)
I decided to track my time throughout the workout and see how I perform.  I'd expect each round to get slower then the one before.. or keep the output as the same (that'd be badass!).  But since I like to blow my load early, lol.. it will be hard to do.  So...
  • After 5 Rounds, I was at 5:15 (1min, 3secs a round)
  • After 7 Rounds, I was at 9:00 (1min, 52 secs a round)
  • After 9 Rounds, I was at 13:20 (2 min, 10 secs a round)
  • Then finished up at 15:00 (average 1min 30secs a round)
This means I started off hella quick.. but then started taking breathers after round 5.  My push ups and wall balls mos def took a hit after then as well.  

My 'peoples' did very well!  Not sure Trisha noticed, but I saw major improvement in her cardio.  Good Job Trisssssh!  Tamara stuck with it and did well too.  For this being her first major workout in years, showed me she has major potential.  Now, I'm not gonna roast her for going to Dunkin' Donuts afterwards ;)  Hope to see ya at CF again!


  1. HAHAHA>...I am just taking the time to read this! haha.... You did Roast me frank. Thanks alot. But I do have to admit that I really enjoyed the workout. And by that I mean, I enjoyed taking my body back to a place where its soo used to being. It felt amazing to push myself and have others to push me and make me not want to give up or cut corners and just do 9 sets. The reality is that I am forever ruined. And I am soo used to (one) working out and being in shape and (two) having a coach and training partners to workout with. Had I done that workout on my own at 24, I wouldn't have pushed my body to the limit like that "by myself." But with that said, I have been thinking about Crossfit and working out all weekend. Def something I will be looking into having solution for soon.

    At any rate. You guys is da best. Thanks again for inviting me!! Oh- and dont hate on Dunkin Donuts!!! lol

  2. Thanks Tee! Good luck on your decision! With that said, I know you'd like today's WOD. Check out the site. Better yet, pop in and check out the flow of the class if you're bored this evening ;) Wish I was there!!!!

  3. Awe very cute pic!!! The Three Musketeers :)
    Come on Tam, lets keep this thing going :)

    I really did enjoy that WOD! 10 rounds is a lot!

    Thanks Frank! Since we NEEEEEVERRRR do the same workout twice (at least I have not yet), its a little hard to gauge my progress.... unless its lifting weights.
