Thursday, September 30, 2010


Just a quick posting so I don't forget.  Yesterday, I worked on the snatch technique for about 20 minutes.... We took it from both the ground and from the hang positions.  I used 95lb but could have gone heavier but knew the WOD I had in store for the day, so needed to play it smart.  This was encouraging because my 1rep max used to be that two months ago.  Lesson Learned: be more explosive when jumping from above the knee.

The WOD was a killer and one Jason said he completed in about 7min, lol, and got him pretty damn sore.  Complete for time 10 Rounds of:

  • 15 Deadlifts 135#'s
  • 15 Push Ups

Took me 15:40, for I was able to get the first round of DL unbroken and the first few rounds of PU unbroken.  Then I had to break the DL down into sets of 5.. and toward the later rounds, maybe sets of 2 ;(  As for the pushups, I fell to my knees a few times on the later rounds (150 PUs!!!!)  I was dripping in sweat.

Felt like I was on top of the word after I was done though.  Hard workout but one that was very much needed.  Need to lower my rest count for there were times I went to do a DL and said 'shoot, one more breather' ;)~

Aiight, time to start my workday.. with my slight sore lower back.

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