Thursday, January 20, 2011


Starting Thursday, Day 20 of  45 (44% complete).

It's been a journey. I won't lie, everyday I wonder if I will continue to do this when it's over.  My quick answer is YES, but to a point.  For example, anything I cook alone, I'll continue to apply the same rules.  But with friends, I will eat anywhere and just make the best section possible.  I'll continue to enjoy my random Swirl outings and 1-on-1 with Papa Johns.  This challenge has opened my eyes to what I eat.. so hopefully 2011 will be my healthiest year yet!

So, why do I feel confident?  Well, some say repetitive tasks require a time frame of approximately 21 days to condition.  I can relate this to a lot of stuff in my life and after 21days, it's stuck with me.  Every morning I wake up now knowing I have to COOK breakfast... completely opposite from the days of Oatmeal with Soy milk.  In the evenings, I know I have to COOK dinner... where I probably used to make dinner plans some where or pick up a pizza on my way home... oh, the good times ;)

Anyway, time to record keep... this is what I've been up too.

REST- 3 Day Weekend- Saturday to Monday. Rest is very important to recovery.

WOD: 10 rounds for time of:
  • 5 Deadlift's @ 225#'s
  • 10 Sit Up's
and then immediately after sprint 400 meter's as fast as possible!
RESULTS: Used 195lb but should have did the 225, but was to slow to put my weights together. I was out door for the run at 7:30 minute marker and returned at 8:59. Situps were nothing and I started the run slow because I was stuck behind someone ;(

WOD:  Hero workout called  "Nate", who was killed February 2008 during combat operations in Iraq. In his memory, perform Max Rounds in 20min
  • 2 Muscle Ups,
  • 4 Hand Stand Push Ups,
  • 8 KB swings @ 2 pood
RESULTS: Only did 1round of real MU and jumped into the others.  I lost count after 6rds at 8mins.  Guessing 10-12 rounds complete.  Should have pulled out my penny counter!

This is what I've been consuming over the past few days

  • omelette with spinach, tomato, and peppers with couple of slices of pineapple
  • 2 eggs scrambled with beef and peppers 2 eggs scrambled with beef, cauliflower, and peppers with sliced apple
  • 3 eggs scrambled with ground turkey and mushrooms and peppers
  • 3 eggs scrambled with ground beef and peppers and a nectarine
  • lettuce wraps of ground beef and various veggies
  • lettuce wraps of ground beef and cauliflower
  • fruit: pear, banana, and apple. drank a lot of water
  • ground turkey with broccoli, peppers, and mushrooms
  • 1.5 grilled skinless chicken breasts and grilling of various veggies and an apple
  • 2 turkey patties with basic salad, various steamed vegetables
  • 1 chicken breast and 1 breast cut and put into a salad of wet mixed greens, walnuts, and apple.
  • chicken with sauteed peppers/onions, lettuce, salsa, and guacamole
  • ground turkey with broccoli, peppers, mushrooms, and jalapeños
  • ground turkey with broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, and mushrooms

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