Friday, April 16, 2010

What you want first? The Good or the Bad?

Well, I'll start with the GOOD first...

I passed my test!  Man, I was stressing all day yesterday because I've been studying hard for 3 months and it was finally time to face it.  Did I study enough?  Too much?  Not enough?  I didn't even pick up a pencil!  All this was keeping me pretty anxious.. when all that was expected of me was to get in the tub.   Here's a screen shot of my test results....

So, in summary, in a little over three months, I kept the same weight but replaced 5lbs of fat with muscle and dropped 3.5% body fat.  That excited me because I should be able to hit my goal this summer by continuing my 3-4 days a week of Crossfit, random running, and eating healthy.  If you want more info on this testing, let me know.

Now, the BAD!  I ate a KFC Double Down Sandwich (grilled) during lunch... and I have to admit, even though it was good, it has been really hard for me to keep from going to hide under my covers. I.a.m.s.l.e.e.p.y!

There's a lot of hype in the media/public about this sandwich because it's anything but healthy.  Bla Bla, it's America and people should be able to eat what they want.  It's their choice if they want half their days allowed serving of fat and sodium in one sitting.  I liked it (killed it in 2 min) and probably won't have it again since I can do without, but at least I can mark it off my bucket list...

Now... where's my pillow...


  1. Ohhh No... You fell into the trap. haha. jk

  2. Truth be told, KFC says the double down sandwich has less calories than a lot of other fast food place burgers (ie less than a Big Mac *withOUT chesse*, and you got the grilled. Just drink a lot of water to wash out all that sodium.

  3. this tru, but i'm not gonna lie.. i had a ball of.. stuff.. in the stomach for a awhile after eating that thing. just felt it there sittin.
