Friday, February 19, 2010

The Beginning

Not sure who will see this, but everyone is welcome to, lol.  Just using this to track my progress.

I need a way to easily do this... and what better way then a search-able blog.  Each day, I will try to post the workout of the day (WOD) and my results from it, being total number of reps or completed time (less is better).  I'll also try to make notes of anything useful.

What has happened before the blog...

I started CF at early Jan 2009.  My first useful data I can provide would be my Crossfit Totals (CFT).  Trying to get the flow down, doing the workout comfortable, alone, without losing technique.... my info was

Movement - Warm / Max
Squat - 45 / 95
Press - 45 / 65
Deadlift - 115 / 135 (with bad form though.. about 245, lol)
CFT is 295

Then one month later in Feb...

Movement - Warm / Max
Squat - 115 / 145
Press - 95 / 115
Deadlift - 135 / 185
CFT is 445

What does this mean?  I have progressed because I know how to use my body correctly... but have a long way to go!  Have less then hundred pounds to get to 'novice' it appears, lol. (see chart below)

Men's Class Rankings
114 228 395 468 646 836
123246 427 510 695 901
132265 461 546 745 848
148296 516 618 833 1061
165322 560 672 906 1149
181348 604 722 969 1245
198366 637 764 1017 1305
220385 671 807 1071 1373
242402 700 833 1102 1411
275413 718 856 1128 1441
319422 733 874 1150 1466
320+ 430 748 891 1169 1494
Women's Class Rankings
97134 231 270 370 480
105143 251 291 400 507
114155 269 314 426 537
123164 284 333 452 566
132173 302 351 473 594
148190 332 389 520 648
165206 357 417 560 709
181220 383 451 598 737
198237 412 474 630 788
199+ 250 434 506 662 826

Time for bed.  Tomorrow morning is FILTHY FIFTY !!!!!

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