Saturday, July 10, 2010

29 Years Old

Wow, just added another year to the age count.  Seems like my 28th was just yesterday.  I think this year is really really going to suck because it's about time for that big Three Ooooo.  I'm going to wake up tomorrow reflecting on my past 30 years before I know it.  Anyway, guess that is the way of life.

I do have one good thing out of all of this... I might be in the best shape of my life.  Yeah, just took me 29 years to get there.. but that was the game plan from Day 1 =)  What better way to bring in another year but by doing what I love... Crossfit!  (don't forget this is a CF blog!)  I made up my own workout and took it outside in the beautiful 83 degree weather, sun shining, yet cool breeze.  

The warm-up was jog 800m and the workout was .... "Frank for 29".  For 29 minutes, you have to complete as many rounds possible of:
  • 10- 10yd Suicides (touch line)
  • 10- Squat Jumps with Overhead Claps
  • 10- Push-ups
  • 10- Mountain Climbers (5 each leg)
  • 10- Sit-ups (hands touch toes and then ground when on back)
  • 10- Ring Dips
The Goal is 7 (for July) and the ten reps represent the 10th.  Also, there is 6 different techniques for the 6 months of CF.  I was able to complete 6 rounds, with Dips and Squat Jumps being the killers.  Hopefully next year, I'll get my 7 in... within 30 min =)


  1. Dang, I don't remember if I wished you Happy Birthday or not. I'm getting old too! LOL. Well nevertheless, I would like to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday.....or repeat-Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day. Next year....the big 3.0.

  2. haha, Thanks! i'll send you a reminder for the three 00ooo since you getting old yourself =)
