Sunday, July 4, 2010

Brother Vs Brother (VIDEO)

2000 Miles Apart... the distance that separates two brothers... so far away from each other, yet so close due to Crossfit.  We threw down in SoCal to battle it out... the pic says it all, and the video is proof.. NEXT!

But yes, this is my blog and I am bias, lol.  My brother did get me on other things, like shoulder pressing and push pressing more weight, more quickly then me... 1:30 to 1:51... this video evidence was conveniently not available =)

We spent the day hanging out in the park, doing random CF techniques with 20lb sticks and 45-60lb logs.  People looked at us crazy, but we were just having fun, sharing what each has learned over the past 6 months.  I'm so thankful that we are able to connect on something like this, bettering our lives, and even our families.. well, his, since he has kids, lol.

I'll bring back to the bay this log.. so if you happen to see a random piece of wood in my apt, this is the story behind it.


  1. Great Video. I think that you did this in San Bdno.? You both look wonderful.....hope that you had a good time together.

  2. Nice but he has a few more pounds on him than you do so duh you're going to be a little faster haha... Hmmm nevermind... take that back because that would mean I would be faster than a lot of people and clearly haha. Anyways, keep up the good work. Your body is really showing your progress. I feel slighted cheated lol.

  3. I like you brought that point up. That's what is cool about CF and when we do circuits. Some people excel at one thing, while others have a little trouble. For example, I can run quick and longer then him, but if we had to do a workout of high weight and reps, he'd destroy me ;(

  4. Oh ok cool... but correction... it's than him not then him
