Friday, January 7, 2011

I FAILED in 7 Days!

Well, it started like this...I was walking along the shopping center on my way to Crossfit.  I was quickly trying to consume these rectangular blocks of chocolate.... two of them..  each an inch thick with the dimensions of a postcard.  I have no clue what brand they were, but damn it, they were yummy! ( I never say yummy FYI ) As I entered Crossfit, I in-covertly finished the last of it (without licking my fingers).  I felt ashamed that I didn't last as long as I was hoping.  45 days is really a lot ;(  But as I walked around the gym/box, I noticed things weren't the same.  The place looked like the hardware department of  Wal-mart.  People were doing wall balls in front of circular bathroom mirrors.  I was like WTF is going on?  Then I woke up and wondered WTH was that about!?!? It was all a dream.. or nightmare I guess.

Excuse the language, but I was really upset.... luckily I'm still safe and hanging in there.  It's been a tough journey, especially when I purposely put myself in tempting situations but have the friends and will power to keep me focused (Thank You!!!). Anyway, as you can see, I've been away for a few, so here's what's been going on...
***this is a fun meal***
What I have noticed so about this challenge...
  1. I Love Ground Turkey!!!!
  2. Woke up Jan 1st, 161lbs.  Now waking up averaging 152/153.  Many common sense factors signal this change, ate a lot during holidays, especially having my last supper, lol.  Working out intensely with a goal, eating non-processed, natural food and water.
  3. Metabolism is firing! I'm always hungry and eating... I find myself filling my stomach and eating like a SHARK!! (inside joke).
  4. Cooking and Cleaning is time consuming!!! Enough said.. this is my daily reminder of why I used to eat like I did.  Papa John's was my boy ;)
  5. Clothes are already fitting differently on me in the chest and waist area.  Hopefully I'll finally have defined chest and abs after this (main goal).
  6. Food Temptation is everywhere.. Movies, Sitcoms, Commercials, Billboards, Ads...and they all look good!  
Anyway, that's enough for now.. Time to brain dump my records so I don't forget.  Thanks for reading.

I set a Personal Record on Deadlift (DL PR) of 315lbs (plus 10).  If had more time, would have tried 320/325 for it felt good once I got it up past parallel.  Mastering the technique!

I really need to have more days of REST but I am addicted!!! grrrr

WOD: 3 rounds for time with rep count 30, 20, 10 and end with 400 meter Sprint!!!
  • Run 400 meters
  • SDHP's @ 95#'s (used 75)
  • Box Jumps @ 24"
Results: Should have used 95lbs. Finished in 17:10.  Was exhausted, but not sore.  Who cares if I was slower, expect myself!!!

WOD: 3 rounds for time with rep count 15-10-5
  • Pull Ups, 
  • Power Snatches @ 95#'s, 
Results: dropped bar just about after each PS.  That takes away time (but allows rest, lol).  Few times, I had to perform Push Press to get it up.. Need to work on technique better!.. Finished in 5:10 or 6:10 (thinking it was the 6:10).

  • 3 eggs scrambled with 1 ground beef
  • 3 eggs scrambled with ground turkey
  • 3 eggs scrambled with 2 ground beef patties (could not finish, too much meat)
  • 2 eggs scrambled with ground turkey and peppers with juicy orange slices on side
  • grilled chicken patty, pear, and apple
  • handful of almonds, banana, orange (late breakfast, busy day)
  • lettuce wraps with ground turkey
  • 2 lettuce wraps of ground turkey patties and various vegetables (should have 3 next time) and a few frozen apple slices for dessert
  • large dinner of lettuce wraps with ground turkey and various vegetables.
  • lettuce wrapped beef batty with tomato slice and salad of mixed greens, walnuts, apple, with no dressing
  • Fruit like bananas, apples, pears, and oranges
  • Almonds


  1. Way to go Frank! Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you and might try your eating habits for a week (given i just so happen to have everything you ate this week in my house).

  2. Thanks Portia! The first step... throwing out what u think you should no longer eat, spend a day shopping for what u need and prep it for the week, and then it should be a lot easier and a great way to start. I use my Sundays for this. Good Luck!

  3. LOL @ this story Frank. I was really sitting on the edge of the seat waiting to see how you failed. I was like... Was it them damn sugar apples at aquis?? Or the lettuce burger from CJ at the mall? haha

    Anyways.. good stuff. Nuthin like a good nightmare to inspire you

  4. haha, remember, didn't have any of the apples ;( think this comes with the territory.. others from my box and Google have led me to things like this "2. You will begin to experience carb/sugar withdrawals. Yes, carbs are a drug like any other drug, it is not a joke. You will feel lethargic, light headed, dizzy, experience headaches, perhaps nausea, or even the shakes... But, do not worry this is only temporary and you will feel amazing". Guess dreams are somewhere in there?!?!
